PCOS and facial hair?


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Mar 4, 2016

Fae G.

He guys, ok so I've recently been getting a lot of Doctor tests and they think I have pcos but we're waiting for results on an ultrasound but ok so it causes exes facial hair and I have always been extremely insecure about my facial hair because it gets kind of long around the sides of my jaw but ok so I shaved a bit today, just really lightly to kinda trim it but I'm just wondering, do any of you have the same thing? If so do you shave? Do you take birth control to help? Does it actually help? Should I maybe talk to my doctor about it? (Also I don't know if this is allowed and I don't know what category it would go under but yea)

Mar 4, 2016

Claire R.

I have the same problem. For a long time I was really insecure about it, but then I realized that a lot of people and my friends even had the same thing. So now I'll just shave it occasionally using an electric facial hair trimmer. Other alternatives that would be longer lasting are waxing, threading or plucking because they get the hair at the roots which ensures longer lasting results. But no I don't take birth control or anything else to lessen it. Really honey just don't be insecure about it. If it bothers you shave it, although I would suggest NOT using a razor as for me that caused to to grow back thicker and darker. Although I know that's not always the case for everyone. You do you, and do what makes you feel comfortable.

Mar 4, 2016

Sadiya R.

I have it too and I just let it be. In my jawline I have some long and dark hairs but as they grow in places l do not see, I really don't care??. I also have some beards every now and then, they are hard thick and black, those I see them and pluck them. Finally I have moustache which I wax every month (when it becomes a little noticiable). As you see I could be the beared woman of the circus hahaha!! I took birth control some time but saw no difference in facial hair.

Mar 5, 2016

Roz X.

They sell facial razors in 3 packs. If you aren't comfortable with that, you can see an Estie for dermaplaning. They do the entire face and it leaves skin glowing. A bonus is that it helps skin better absorb your products for maximum benefit.
I don't have PCOS, but I hope you feel better soon. Best of luck on your tests.

Mar 5, 2016

Roz X.

(and yes, I'd discuss your concern with the doctor.)

Mar 14, 2016

Fae G.

Ah thank you guys so much :) I will most definitely talk to my doctor about it and I think later in my life I might want to look into like laser or something just so I can feel more confident and stuff but for now I think I'll look more into the electric kind like you said because shaving is annoying XD but ah thank you so much