Arcrylics Peeling After 2 Days.


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Feb 14, 2016

Amy H.

I got arcrylics done on Friday. Like I got the plastic tips and then they put some plastic gel stuff over my whole nail. by Saturday night the edges had already started peeling. is this normal? like should I go back and make them redo them because I thought they would last at least least 3-4 days not 2.

Feb 14, 2016

Anna N.

You should go back and make them redo it. My mom is a nail tech and when she does it they never peel.

Feb 15, 2016

Amy H.

Sweet going to go there this afternoon. it's the first time I ever got them don't so I didn't know what to expect.

Feb 15, 2016

Bailee H.

Acrylics should last until your nails grow them off, not just 4 days.

Feb 16, 2016

Bri C.

There was a warning released a little while ago by a really great nail salon talking about the dangers of salons that use a sort of "fake" acrylic. it can damage the skin surrounding the nail and also tends to peel like this. really not too sure if this is it but I would consider switching nail salons.

Feb 16, 2016

Jessica D.

I agree with everyone on here. You shouldn't even go back there to have them fix it, but try another salon. I've done that before, and they usually don't have a problem fixing someone else's mistake like that (bonus, new customer if you like it).

Acrylics should last for freakin ever. Anything less than a week is insanity.

Feb 17, 2016

Irine I.

You said 'plastic gel stuff ' so to me it sounds more like gel. I agree with the other girls, that acrylics are really durable but gel (at least to me) starts to peel at the edges after 10 days or so.
Personally I would not go to the same salon. Or go and ask for another technician. But if it happens again it will probably mean that their products suck and then feel free to go elsewhere!

Feb 17, 2016

Martha D.

Go and get your money back...go to a better salon this lifting can cause bacteria to grow....if done properly you should not have any lift at all and last til your nails grow out