Whats Your Morning Routine?


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Jan 5, 2013

Taylor J.

Morning Routine? :)

Jan 5, 2013

Grace P.

like before school? I usually wake up around 5:30 and wash my face then do makeup and hair. I then pick out my clothes which takes forever.. then I brush my teeth and have my vitamins then I'm out the door! I try to have breakfast but I'm not that hungry in the morning so a protein shake or piece of fruit is what I'll eat

Jan 5, 2013

Grace P.

then my bus comes at 6:40!

Jan 5, 2013

Lauren S.

I wake up at 6:50, wash my face with my clarisonic, do my simple natural makeup, do my hair, get dressed, pack my backpack and im put the door at 7:45 :)

Jan 5, 2013

Peyton B.

For makeup it is: BB Cream, Powder, Eye primer, Eyeshadow, Gel Eyeliner, Glitter Eyeliner, Mascara then Lip Balm :)

Jan 5, 2013

Maryalice O.

wake up at 530 wash my face, moisturizer, straighten my hair(about 2 times out of the week) or style it, do my makeup( takes not even 5 mins) go downstairs, eat breakfast make my salad for lunch, pack up and walk to my bus :)

Jan 5, 2013

Tone D.

I wake up 6:30, wash my face and do my makeup and straight my hair.  ^.-

Jan 5, 2013

Emma T.

Wake up at 6:30, Shower, moisturize, brush teeth, do makeup, get dressed(I let my hair air dry) put my lunch in my bag and go to school. Doesn't start till 9:30 for me 

Jan 5, 2013

Hope R.

Conseler and brown eyeliner

Jan 5, 2013

Megan G.

School day: I wake up at 5:40, wash my face, take a shower, get dressed, blow dry my hair and style it, put on my makeup, eat a breakfast bar, go to school. 

Jan 6, 2013

Samantha D.

Wow you girls get up super early!

I get up at 7:40, brush my teeth, style my hair, wash and cleanse my face, wait for it to dry while putting on my uniform and then do makeup! Out the door and to school 

Jan 6, 2013

Courtney O.

Ugh haha on a school day I wake up at 5:20, take a shower, do my hair, make up and then get dressed and then I'm out the door at 6:30! Too early -_-

Jan 6, 2013

Jensen F.

Wake up, brush my teeth, wash my face (after brushing my teeth because tooth paste can get on my face w/o me noticing) with Clinique combo face soap, moisturize, do my makeup, do my hair, get dressed, and clean up the mess I made so I can get to school! 

Jan 6, 2013

Emily W.

On a school day I wake up at 5:40,take a shower,dry my hair, put on my makeup have my clothes already,get dresses and I'm ready to go!

Jan 6, 2013

Emily A.

I wake up at 6, Wash my face, Have breakfast, brush my teeth, style my hair, get dressed, pack my bag and then leave at 8:00

Jan 6, 2013

Caitlin P.

My school starts at 8:45am so I usually get up at 7:45. I go and grab a piece of fruit or something for breakfast then get dressed, do my hair, put contacts in, brush teeth and put makeup on. I usually just wear BB cream, Powder, Mascara and a lip stain. I leave at about 8:40. 

Jan 6, 2013

Caitlin P.

Correction, my school starts at 8:57am. 

Jan 6, 2013

Jazz R.

i wake up at 7.30, shower, wash my face, brush me teeth, get dressed, dry and style my hair, put on my make up... i onlu use foundation and eyeliner so its super quick, have breakfast which is muesli with fruit and a glass of fruit smoothie and im ready

I wake up a 6am. Take a shower, wash my face, put on my makeup , blowdry my hair, pick some clothes out, eat breakfast, pack a lunch, then I'm out the door for work around 750 

Jan 6, 2013

Ashley D.

- Wake up at 5:45 - eat breakfast (something small - go on walk around the block with my mom - brush my teeth - do makeup hair etc - get dressed - pack my bag for school - then walk to the bus at 8:05 

Jan 6, 2013

Eve M.

Wake up at 6:30
Check Instagram and other apps for 5 min
Wash my face, brush teeth etc...
Then I moisturize my face and do makeup
Do my hair
Then I get dressed
I eat breakfast which is like a muffin or a granola bar 

Jan 6, 2013

Vaishnavi T.

I wash my face & brush my teeth then took bath then I wear my clothes n then I apply daily moisturising lotion with spf 30 then I apply my kohl eyeliner on my waterline and lipbalm and have my breakfast n m off to school.. 

Jan 6, 2013

LaPorsha B.

I wake up around 8:30am
Check and send emails
Wash my face
Figure out what I'm wearing
Get dressed
Make breakfast so I can eat it at work or I'll stop somewhere on the way
Do makeup-Mineralize Skinfinish, blush, mascara, and lipgloss
Then out the door between 10-10:15

Jan 6, 2013

Maeve C.

I get up at 6, go downstairs to eat, wash my face, brush my teeth, and feed the cat. Then I go upstairs, brush hair, put clothes and lotion on, then I style my hair and last do makeup. (I take a shower at night). Then if I have time I grab iPod for a bit. I'm out the door at about 720 because I like to get to school early ( I start at 8)