Dermatilomania (skin picking disorder)


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Jan 5, 2013

Bianca C.

I have had this skin picking issue for about 6 years and I'm wondering if anyone else here has had or still has trouble with this. And any tips and tricks on how you stopped?

Jan 5, 2013

April D.

Maybe wear gloves or something? I know nail biters wear gloves so they CAN'T access their nails to bite them maybe if you wear gloves even if you do attempt to touch your skin it's effects won't be as bad as your raw finger nails and hands picking at it. But disorders like these are psychological you need to help yourself from within, have you thought of therapy or counselling?

Jan 5, 2013

Stef R.

I feel you, I have a hair pulling disorder.
I find it helpful to have a go-to habit (try clenching your fists or closing your eyes or holding onto your arm when you're struck with the urge)

Jan 5, 2013

Brooke E.

Mine peels and naturally I pick it. Try keeping lotion handy so your hands don't get dry. Keep your nails short. Find something small to keep in your hand so you're less likely to pick. 

Jan 5, 2013

Miranda W.

You can go to to find help btw you're post has been so enlightening because my sister has had this problem for years and every time I try to help her she ignores it I just wanted to say thank you

Jan 5, 2013

Erica L.

Geez, I deal with this too, honey. Mine started when I was 11 and I'm almost 26. Please let me know if you find something that works for you, I'm willing to try anything.

Jan 5, 2013

Bianca C.

Wow! Thanks for the responses guys! Stef R, that is something that has helped me a little in the past so I suggest that aswell. Clenching your fists or closing your eyes just as you find yourself going to pick. Other than that, I've thought about voice counselling, but I don't think I'm bad enough. It's definently an option though, if it gets too much. So Erica L, if you have been doing it for that long and haven't been able to kick it, maybe counselling is something to look into. And Miranda W, your welcome I guess. Yea, sometimes it's a little different to just a teenager squiring pimples. It's something a little more serious. But, as displayed here, there is a lot of support and help for it.

Thank you all so much. I just stumped across this app tonight, but I have a feeling I will be on here constantly. You are all so lovely! :) xx

Jan 5, 2013

Bianca C.

*voice councelling* was an autocorrect btw. I just meant counselling. :P

Jan 5, 2013

Bianca C.


Jan 5, 2013

Bianca C.

Stumbled* wow I'm hopeless tonight! Forgive me, it's 3am. 

Jan 5, 2013

Holly N.

My mum has this really badly, there are scars all over her face

Jan 5, 2013

Alisa D.

I have been suffering with this for over thirty years... sigh. for the most part I have it under control. if you would like we can exchange emails and such.

Jan 5, 2013

Julianne J.

I have Dermatophagia- picking the skin around your nails/fingers and lips. I have lip callouses from doing it since I was a child, and I'm almost 22. I've curbed the finger picking but I have my moments.

Jan 5, 2013

Bianca C.

Alisa D, yea that would be great! And Julianne J, I do that also, but not very badly. It sucks but it is nice to know so many people are in the same boat that love beauty. We will get over it!

Jan 5, 2013

Chloe K.

Do anything that distracts your hands, get a ball and toss it whenever you feel like you need to pick put glur on your skin wait for it to dry then pick it because its as close to skin picking without actuallt picking your skin and hurting yourself!

Jan 5, 2013

Bianca C.

Haha I use to love doing that glue thing. That's a good idea. :)

Jan 6, 2013

Kayli H.

I have this, I've suffered with it along with trichotillomania (obsessively picking my hair) for almost 10 years now. I still do it.. What really helps though is to surround yourself with people who will stop you when you're doing it. If its your nails that are the thing that allows you to pick, I suggest getting gel nails or even acrylic. I personally scratch my skin like no other, so when I have my nails done its harder for me to lift the skin. Also try to wear long socks if you pick your legs (I do, I wear thigh high socks to stop myself. If you're thinking about doing this too I HIGHLY suggest, they have amazing socks for pretty cheap). It's all about prevention and strong will power. Keep yourself motivated and never put yourself down because of it. It is not your fault!! Good luck, keep me updated :)

Jan 6, 2013

Kim P.

I used to have seborrheic dermatitis (however you spell it) and my skin was always flaky and I would always pick it. It's really a mental thing, I never addressed it by holding a ball or keeping my nails short or clenching my fists (even though it was a seasonal skin thing during fall and winter, I should have done those things to save my skin) and I would just start paying a lot of attention to when your hands are near your face. Just think about how gross it is that your hands are going to your face and picking pimples/peeling dead skin, how hopeless it is that you're doing it AGAIN and not allowing your skin to renew itself.

Obviously I'm no professional nor do I have your extent of this issue, but sometimes just catching myself and sitting on my hands or something and thinking about it will help me think more about when I'm going to do it. Also, if you end up subconsciously picking, don't dwell on it or give in and keep picking, just use it to remind yourself not to do it again. And when you're alone at home one night and watching TV or YouTube, try to keep it in the back of your mind not to pick at your skin. You know what else I just thought of? Maybe you could go to a hypnotist, actually. Since this whole thing is mental, and hypnotism is relaxing and easy, I feel like it would work. Idk, these are just some suggestions. I hope you get better about this soon! You deserve it(:

Jan 6, 2013

Bianca C.

Thank you. Both of you. I have taken everything you guys have said in. I have thought of the hypnotism Kim P, but it is expensive. Out guys have all made me feel so good though, right now it doesn't feel like a problem. :) I will keep you updated. :) xx

Jan 6, 2013

Jules M.

I suffer from acne but I'm not a picker. The dermatologist I go to uses a metal tool with two ovals on the ends to pick my face. That might help. 

Jan 6, 2013

Bianca C.

Yea the dermatologist seems like a good idea. :)

Jan 6, 2013

Bianca C.

Ahhhhhh! Jut snapped and attacked my face and arms. It's not as bad as it could be but it still sucks and in angry at myself. It's past midnight and I have to work tomorrow and now I got to spend 15 minutes scrubbing and moisturising. 

Jan 6, 2013

Melissa P.

I had/have this problem too. I started doing the regimine with otc products. I would take pictures of my face everyday to see progress. if I picked I would also take a pic to see and compare the damage I did to the progress I made. my picking slowly stopped. I still pick but not very often. I also made myself aware of what I was doing by scolding myself mentally after doing it. my face has become so much nicer since and its a great reward.

Jan 6, 2013

Hannah C.

I've been picking at my fingers, my lips and because I have psoriasis I also pick at my scalp for as ling as I can remember. It can get terrible and I only do it when I'm bored or nervous. I can only really suggest trying to attack something else instead of your skin when the urge comes.