Pierced Lip Yes Or No


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Jan 6, 2013

Alia R.

An if you take it out the scar will probably look like this, not so attractive ..

Jan 6, 2013

Osiris A.

Yep get it ;) 

Jan 6, 2013

Robyn C.

Yeah You Should I Have Snake Bites 💋I Love Them. They're Sexy:)

Jan 6, 2013

Megan M.

Thanks guys

Jan 6, 2013

Megan M.

Naw just a stud

Jan 6, 2013

Kaity A.

Yeah especially on boys like Traviebased on YouTube

Jan 6, 2013

Jewels M.

I see u have your nose pierced how old do u have to be cause I wanna get it done

Jan 6, 2013

Megan M.

I did mine myself actually and it didn't hurt at all and no it didn't get infected but you have to be atleast 14 to get your nose pierced

Jan 6, 2013

Harlea C.

I wouldn't if I were you I think you leave it to much piercing can over power your face. I can't make your choice but make sure if that's what you want 

Jan 6, 2013

Harlea C.

*you should leave it (sorry) 

Jan 6, 2013

Megan M.

Ok thanks anyways

Jan 6, 2013

Sydney W.

No! Honey, u have beautiful lips!!! Why would you want to ruin that?!

Jan 6, 2013

Erin N.

No then u can't kiss anyone as easily it'll eat in the way

Jan 6, 2013

Selena C.

Just do it. Get it over with.

Jan 6, 2013

Loren B.

I'd only say go for it if you really wanted it- and since you asked us, you're not that really wanting it do I'd say no. 

Jan 6, 2013

Brooke B.

You'll look great with it :)