Going blonde; keeping my eyebrows dark?


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Apr 11, 2016

Emily V.

Hi girls!
I'm thinking of going blonde or atleast adding some blonde to my hair for the spring and summer months!! The thing is, I'm finally happy with my eyebrows and really don't want to have to change my color/eye brow routine.. Is there any way I can go blonde and be able to keep my eyebrows dark without it looking silly? I have really dark brows.. Maybe if I keep some dark in my hair, like maybe my roots?? Hmm. Any ideas would be appreciated!!

Apr 11, 2016

Laura S.

Lot's of being go completely blonde and keep their dark brows! I don't think it would look weird at all.

Apr 11, 2016

Emily V.

I feel like it looks REALLY good on some people but when I use to be blonde and my eyebrows were dark I was really self conscious of it! I completely agree that some people can rock it, I just don't think I'm one of those people!!

Apr 11, 2016

Elica A.

Why don't you die your eyebrows a lighter color and if you don't like it then you can dye it back the same color it was before. Idk just a thought lol

Apr 11, 2016

Jenna F.

I am a blonde with naturally dark roots therefore my eyebrows are dark brown but only my roots are dark brown as well. The rest of my hair is light blonde. You should keep your dark eyebrows and if you think its too dark you can dye it a lighter shade but you should keep it just as it is(:

Apr 11, 2016

Emily V.

I was thinking of intentionally keeping my roots a dark brown to match my eyebrows, and having the rest of my hair be a honey blonde color because I feel like then there wouldn't be as much contrast between my brows and my hair! I'm TERRIFIED of bleaching my brows, I really don't even want to think about going there, lol

Apr 11, 2016

Emily V.

Here are my brows!

Apr 11, 2016

Kymberly M.

I'm a natural blonde and have pretty dark brows

Apr 11, 2016

Kylie J.

If you want blond I recommend getting blonde highlights it's so pretty and your eyebrows will also look pretty.

Apr 11, 2016

Teodora R.

Agreed with Hailey. I have similar brows to yours,light skin and eyes,but the brows are kinda dark considering the rest of my features, even darker than my natural hair. I liked the platinum hair with my brows,but somehow the natural blonde colors I had when I was transitioning really looked off to me with dark brows,kinda too fake looking... So what my point is,I feel the strong full on brows look totally edgy and fine with a statement hair (like platinum for example),but many girls I see including myself don't fit them in combo with natural looking hair such as blonde,red and copper. The roots look would be fine probably,but I am now giving advice only on full on all over dyed hair looks.

Apr 11, 2016

Aurora S.

I think it really depends on how dark and thick your brows are and how light the blonde is.

For me, I have naturally very dark thick brows that really are black (get the darkness from my Asian side and thickness from the Latina side)
And my hair is like... White/platinum blonde.
I pretty much HAVE to bleach my brow hairs.

My cousin has the same type of brows but is more of a ash medium blonde and uses a medium brown to go over her brows and it lightens/brightens them a tiny bit (makes them look dark brown rather than black) but it actually works and doesn't look bad at all.

You could always try using one of those eyebrow mascaras in a lighter shade to lighten up the color of the brows with makeup.

I don't think blonde hair with black eyebrows can ever look good lol it looks too harsh.
The photos shows the girls have more of a dark brown brow color which is easier to pull off with the blonde

Apr 13, 2016

Juno T.

Ok...is it looks like this?

Apr 13, 2016

Lin F.

Emily I like what you want to go with, dark roots and the rest of the hair honey blonde as in your picture. I think this will look great.

Apr 14, 2016

Codi R.

If you're keeping your roots dark keep your brows dark but if you're going full out bleached blond I would lighten them a little bit