Review these products for me?


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Mar 30, 2016

Naomi K.

I'm debAting on getting these 2 products. Do you guys have any thoughts on them? :)

Mar 30, 2016

Naomi K.


Mar 30, 2016

Naomi K.


Mar 30, 2016

Alexis C.

I highly recommend the Boscia Exfoliating Peel Gel! I've been using it for a few months now and my skin is so smooth and soft, it's amazing. I find it also helps with breakouts and really clears out pores (:

Mar 31, 2016

Naomi K.

Ok thanks alexis!

Mar 31, 2016

Roz X.

I have both of these. The primer I have is the hydrating formula, so I can't attest to this particular correcting one, but MUFE in general does a great job with priming, in my view.

The Boscia I recieved as a gift. It will leave skin very very soft..almost like a smooth wax, only not tacky...feeling very fresh, but it's heavily scented. Lots of fragrant oils and some citrus so if that's an issue, I thought I'd mention it. The hugely popular Japanese Cure Aqua Gel gives identical results, but costs less per ounce. Both contain alcohols if that's something of concern as well. It's got pros and cons, but for very sensitive skin, eczema, etc. both could prove irritating. The fragrance can also be a bit much for sensitive eyes. But yes, it will leave skin insanely soft after immediate use, but Ling term, it's formula is too drying and fragrant for my own skin.
I'd get a sample of the Boscia if you have your heart set on it.
Hope that helps.

Mar 31, 2016

Roz X.

*long term

Mar 31, 2016

Naomi K.

Thanks rozberry:)