What's the normal purge length for the Clarisonic?


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Jan 15, 2013

Shelby B.

I've been using my Clarisonic Mia twice a day since Christmas with the Purity gel, but I'm still getting a lot of breakouts. Am I still in the skin purging stage, or is there something else I need to do?

Jan 15, 2013

Leighann R.

I don't have a Clarisonic, but I don't think that you are supposed to use it that often! Correct me if i'm wrong! LOL

Jan 15, 2013

Alyse M.

you can do it twice a day, they say. i don't though. only once.

did you have acne BEFORE you started using it? because of course it isn't going to be just gone. or are the breakouts totally new? i've read the length can vary BUT gossmakeupartist also says on his channel that his derm told him that simply doesn't happen. i don't break out barely ever as it is, and I got 2 small spots since using the clarisonic. so for me there was no "purging" unless that was it.

Jan 15, 2013

Shelby B.

My skin is either completely clear or it totally freaks out. I just woke up one morning and had a ton of new breakouts all on my forehead, after my Clarisonic had helped to get rid of the ones that I already had. And I always get a lot around my nose and chin. 

Jan 15, 2013

Alyse M.

so if it totally freaks out sometimes, it might not be related to the clarisonic then. 

Jan 15, 2013

Amrita M.

It could be the cleanser you've used, with the clairsonic every product actually absorbs much better into your skin, try it our with a simple cleanser like cetiphil 

Jan 15, 2013

Maggie M.

Are you using the gentle brush head? Is the purity also a new product to your face?

Jan 15, 2013

Gaetano S.

There are no clinical studies that show because you're Using a Clarisonic that your skin will enter a purging process that is a common misconception and a sales tool used to sell Clarisonic's to discourage returning it

Jan 15, 2013

Cameron R.

I love Wayne Goss, but I HIGHLY disagree with what he says his dermatologist said about the whole "getting worse before getting better" thing being a myth. I have tried two different prescription acne topical treatments, and have had about three or four chemical peels that have both worked well in clearing up my skin, and with both I had a two or three week period where I just broke out badly and had really irritated skin. PURGING.

Any physical or chemical exfoliating treatment that is either clinically performed, or done zealously at home will cause a purging period at first. If you don't believe me look at the side effects of any topical chemical exfoliant, chemical peels, dermaplaning, and microdermabrasion.

I would probably go down to only using the clarisonic at nighttime when you are removing your makeup and deep cleaning your skin, and try just washing with a gentle cleanser in the morning sans the clarisonic. Constant use of physical exfoliants can cause more acne, scarring, and lead to pigmentation issues because since your skin will always be new and raw, it will be extra sensitive to bacteria,chemicals and sunlight.

Jan 15, 2013

Shelby B.

Thanks guys. I'm going to try to only use it at night and see if it gets better. And I think I'm going to switch to the delicate brush head after using my sensitive one that came with it for three months and see if that makes a different. 

Jan 15, 2013

Mary B.

Well said Cameron!