I dont know what to do with my hair!!


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Jan 15, 2013

Samantha T.

I have very thick, wavy hair and I have very limited options on what to do with my hair, my mom doesnt want to see my hair always in a ponytail so, I tried to put my hair in braids but, I suck at braids as well as I have layers and, they don't really look good with all my hair flying out of the braid. And I would really appreciate if someone would help me. Thank you<3

Jan 15, 2013

Isabella H.

maybe u can try curling. theres alot of videos on hair tutorial on YouTube.

Jan 15, 2013

Brittany L.

You should upload a pic of ur hair.. Sometimes a simple flat iron or a certain hair cut can help. Would love to see what it's looks like so I can help