My Boyfriend Needs Skin Care Advice!


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Jan 20, 2013

Dominay J.

so my boyfriend has tried several drug store products for his acne, blemishes , etc and nothing has worked.
he is really insecure with his face and is asking for HELP! cause I have no idea what to use since I've never had a skin care problem

Jan 20, 2013

Erika E.

I'm not sure where you live but I'd have him try Arcona. It's an all natural, fragrance free, no dyes, paraben and silicone free line. There many options for acne and I have seen it transform more severe acne cases in a matter of weeks! 

Jan 20, 2013

Caraline A.

My cousin had skin extremely similar to this and the Clinique Skin Supplies for Men 3 step system cleared everything right up in 2-3 weeks. 

Jan 20, 2013

Matryoshka I.

I believe that only a dermatologist can really help.
My sister had severe acne that is now gone. Her dermatologist perscribed 4 solutions; iode & salicylic, ZnO & resorcine, ZnO &salicylic, borique acid, all combined with urea if I remember well.
As for a drugstore solution, I believe that Effaclar Duo by La Roche Posay is a good choice.
By the way, he shouldn' be insecure, we've all seen much worse acne problems. Good luck!

Jan 20, 2013

Sabrina F.

I can't guarantee that this would work for everybody, but try putting a spice mask on him. Just take some avocado oil and mix it with some cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. Then just gently scrub it on the face. Leave it on for around 5 minutes. It will burn at first because its pulling out all of the bacteria from the acne. I have pretty bad acne and sometimes it gets inflamed..but this mask seems to work wonders for me. Good luck!