3-Step Skin Care Clinique


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Jan 20, 2013

Ksenia B.

Girls☺ really wanna know what you think about these products. Are they effective?

Jan 20, 2013

Laura T.

I've tried them several times over the years. In general I found them extremly drying and it caused my face to just over produce oil and I broke out more. The moisturizing gel is nice though I will give it that. I really didn't think it was worth the money, very comparable stuff at the drugstore.

Jan 20, 2013

Jackie B.

If your skin can handle them. They are awesome but the clarifying lotion is a bit harsh on my skin. I would suggest trying the mild clarifying lotion it is much gentler. The Dramaticly different moisturizing lotion is a great basic lotion one sells every second of every day so it can't be all that bad. 

Jan 20, 2013

Ksenia B.

Well. I use the mild lotion. Hope it will work well! Thanks ☺

Jan 20, 2013

Chandni V.

I love them! I use the ones you have in the picture, but wouldn't mind using the number 3 lotion. I would definitely recommend them if you don't have sensitive skin. :)

Jan 20, 2013

Sabina V.

I found that it worked well for a while. After I felt as if it didn't clean my face as well as it should. Love the moisturizing lotion, I always have that one. 

Jan 20, 2013

Tyler B.

Yes, I like them, good for your skin

Jan 20, 2013

Ninah M.

I use the liquid facial soap and the dramaticly different lotion both in dry to dry combo and they are HG for me! I recommend them soo much. They are very gentle on my sensitive skin. The facial soap lathers up very nicely and the lotion is very hydrating and absorbs nicely. Give it a try! 

Jan 20, 2013

Roya L.

I think if you are looking for basic skincare, it's fine - I'm actually thinking of buying it for my 12 yr old daughter. As I am 34, though, it doesn't really do anything special for me - I'm more into anti-aging products, now. :)