Would Going Lighter Look Good On Me? Is It Worth It?


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Jan 21, 2013

Judy C.

I had honey blondish colored hair as a kid up till i was 6 and it started getting darker and darker to what it is now. I'm about a level 4 or 5. I've always thought about going lighter to see how it would look now and to have a dramatic change but idk if it would look good and more so is it worth all the damage and upkeep a lighter color requires? im thinking of going to a level 7 nothing TOO blonde... what do you think? should i stick with my natural?

Jan 21, 2013

Shyla M.

I think that you would look pretty lighter but I also think that with how dark your hair is that it would be a really big pain to keep up with, and it would probably require a lot of color to get it the way you desire, but if you are willing to keep up with it, then I think you should go for it!

Jan 21, 2013

Judy C.

thanks shyla! yea if i do decide to go lighter i'll probably have to get highlights so the regrowth doesnt look so bad =/

Jan 21, 2013

Shyla M.

Yeah, it always bugs me when girls have 2 inches of black on their head from their color growing back in, I wanna tell them if they are gonna do it, they need to stay on top of it so they don't look like skunks.. but of course I don't! 

Jan 21, 2013

Anna V.

i totally agree w/ Shyla... seeing black roots on a girl irritates me. lol thats why i dont last long why i try a different color. But yes! try it... with some lowlights so it could blend in :D Good luck.

Zara K.

Jan 21, 2013

Zara K.

Kind of dirty blonde would look cool for the natural look