Clip-In Extensions or Semi-Permanent?


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Jan 21, 2013

Amy O.

I have hair that only hoes a little past my shoulders. I want my hair to go past my breasts and I want my hair to look thicker. I want to be able to dye the extensions too. Hope you can help me.

Jan 21, 2013

Kendall C.

If you go to Sally's you can get remy clip in extensions which you can dye, straighten, curl, etc. I have some and they last a pretty long time, I've had mine for about a year. 

Jan 21, 2013

Molli S.

Clip in last longer so are cheaper and easier and better on your hair. But honestly you look like your hair type is like mine was. Just please please don't get semi permanent or any at all if u can stand it. Just get your hair healthy and let it grow stop straightening and blow drying

Amy O.
