Manly men in makeup.


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Feb 21, 2013

Camila B.

What matters the absolute most is that you feel great in it.
But it doesn't matter to me at all, boys can looks absolute gorgeous in makeup! And I respect when the man has the guts to do it, especially just bronzer and foundation, a lot (at least from where I'm from) wouldn't even dare to say they use it. No problem for me, and as long you like it, then there's nothing wrong at all =)

Feb 21, 2013

Lolli S.

Again controversial subject bt my personal opinion is...Christian view no,world view whatever floats your boat I dnt live and your shoes or pay your bills.For my house its a no.

Feb 21, 2013

Maya L.

I love it, your bone structure is immaculate.

Feb 21, 2013

Kelsi Z.

I agree with ema , but I know my boyfriend wouldnt wear makeup. Thats just my opinion but eveyone is different.

Feb 21, 2013

Kally B.

Bronzer and mascara are a lil OTT for me if I saw a guy wearing it...if I couldnt tell then I wouldnt care lol. if I saw my bf wearing makeup I would be soo shocked because its always a hassle for him to let me practice my artistic side on his face! Lol. (: