How to do the letters?


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Apr 11, 2015

Faith J.

My friends and I want to do this for our 5sos concert, but we have no idea how, since the ironing doesn't always work. Any ideas?

Apr 11, 2015

Charlotte B.

You can order tops online and personalise them?

Apr 11, 2015

Faith J.

We already have the baseball tees, its cheaper to DIY since it's $25 online

Yeah I'd just do iron ons.., they're your best bet to not look cheap and homemade. You could either buy the individual letters or just buy iron on transfer paper and print out your own

Apr 11, 2015

Charlotte B.

Hmm I'd say iron one you could just get some extra letters and try it on a rubbish old top first just so you don't ruin your new ones!

Apr 11, 2015

Angel V.

You should just order them online

Apr 11, 2015

Angel V.

It's easier than ironing them on

Apr 11, 2015

Alyx T.

You could just draw them on.