Blending, I'm doing it wrong.


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Apr 4, 2015

Ashlee C.

I see all these great eyes and faces and I just don't know what I'm doing wrong because it always looks to stiffly applied. Any tips and tricks? More layers, less product? Anything would help. I use a brush for shadows but I swear I either put too much on, or I blend it into oblivion...

Apr 4, 2015

Ashlee C.

I have no idea what you mean lol. I have an angled eye shadow brush. And I bought two face brushes, an angled for contour or blush which doesn't help, and a big one like a kabuki which still doesn't help. I seriously suck.

You need a soft fluffy brush to blend eyeshadow, like a MAC 217, and for bronzer and blush you can blend with a stippling brush, which is what I do.

Also, apply a small amount of product and blend then build up from there. Don't pile makeup on and then try to blend it.

Apr 4, 2015

Ashlee C.

Maybe that's why then? Mine isn't stiff like my eyebrow brush but I wouldn't say it's fluffy. It just seems like wherever I put it that's where it stays. I even looked at a new way of applying foundation today with a sponge but overdid it. Whoops. Now I know.

Apr 5, 2015

Teodora R.

You could also try putting a transitional color on the crease first and then do the darker stuff over where needed... I find that sometimes the cream base I have under (foundation on the face or eyeshadow base on the eyelids) is often sticky,and the product just can't be moved or well blended...

Apr 5, 2015

Teodora R.

For the eyelids I always put a transition color,no matter of the look I do,which is couple shades darker than my skin,and then build up with darker colors if I want to... As for the face,first goes a light dusting of the translucent powder,and over that contour or bronzer or both... Also light hand... You can always add product where you need to,but its much harder to remove it if you went overboard with it