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Mar 21, 2015

Chelsea N.

It's time for me to get my driver's license photo taken!

I DO NOT want a horrible photo. I've seen them, been there done that, and cannot do that lol

Any tips on makeup, clothing, etc?

Also, how is your photo experience and things you would've like to known! :)

Mar 21, 2015

Alexis C.

Sharon Farrell on YouTube just did a video on ID/Passport photo makeup! So definitely check that out or just go for a really natural look (: clothes don't really matter, you barely even see it in the photo anyways.

Mar 21, 2015

Alli P.

Whatever you do, don't laugh lol. When I was getting mine taken, the woman made me laugh and snapped the picture. Now I'm haunted by it lol, I look so silly because one eye is like squinted, while I'm in mid-laugh, and she wouldn't let me retake it. -.- At least I'm only a year away from getting my new license!

I would just dress casual, you're only going to see from the head up. As far as makeup, also stick with the daily. You're not going to see too much of it, those photos are definitely not high definition haha. Good luck!

Mar 21, 2015

Shauna S.

Don't highlight. I guess drivers license I'd's aren't as strict as passport I'd's but they don't want you to look too shiny. just make your makeup very natural or how you would look everyday. you don't want to look totally different in your picture compared to real life. @Alli I'm surprised they even let you keep that picture where you're laughing. where I live you can't smile or show any emotion in your picture lol.

Mar 21, 2015

Alli P.

Shauna, no emotion at all may be better than this crap lol. So embarrassing. Anytime someone asks for my I'd, I show them my college one instead, or if I haveee to show them my license, I make sure I explain the situation of that day. :p The struggles.

Mar 21, 2015

Diana T.

I've noticed when I wore less makeup the photo looked a lot better - also smiling helps :P.

Mar 21, 2015

Shauna S.

@Alli Hahaha awwww. I think most people look horrible in their ID photo's :p For the longest time when I would get ID'd no one would believe that it was me and thought I had a fake ID. I would have to explain that my photo was taken when I was 16 and I changed quite a bit in 4 years lol. I was thankful when I finally got a new picture but I still look horrible. I like to just use my health card ID instead.

Mar 21, 2015

Raylene I.

In SK Canada you can't show teeth, you can smile but no teeth, and you want to look like you do everyday, try and keep your hair down, when you pull it up you tend to look frizzy or bald because of the placement of the camera. Avoid highlighter, reflection on an already shiny piece of plastic is a nightmare! Is SK it's a black and white photo so don't over do your eye makeup :)

Mar 21, 2015

Rissa G.

Lol they don't let you smile here. Literally, everyone's drivers license here, looks like a mugshot! They tell you "don't smile, and relax your face" omg. They don't let you have hair in your face, and you can't be wearing a lot of makeup. -.-

Mar 21, 2015

Stephanie S.

Haha really Renay? the lady won't take the picture until you smile, it's so annoying. And I agree with the ladies above try and keep it natural.

Mar 21, 2015

Rissa G.

I'm serious! Lol I smiled and she was like, "no, you can't smile"...I was like, um what? Haha

Mar 21, 2015

Kitty K.

My first picture I smiled but I didn't grin to show my teeth, I really liked that picture in particular. I wore my hair natural and wore a light coverage foundation, a cat eye and red lips.
My second time I did my hair, and smiled big. I could say I definitely looked weird and resembled a monkey! Natural beauty is definitely key with those harsh cameras

Mar 21, 2015

Kattya M.

The best makeup for these is a smile! I look nothing like me because I had a different hairstyle and looked younger back then but I think the smile made the picture look pretty :)

Mar 22, 2015

Raylene I.

I don't know the lady here is super nice and shows you on the computer the photo and if you don't like it she'll retake it I've never cared enough though to retake it so I've had some nastys haha but I like my current one :)

Mar 22, 2015

Traci P.

Man you all have some strict dmv photographers lol. I wore a natural "no makeup" makeup look and smiled a little bit in my photo so I didn't look so blah lol.

Mar 22, 2015

Traci P.

Sorry for bad photo quality, it was hard to zoom in on my tiny photo with my tablet camera.

Mar 22, 2015

Shaye M.

Same Renay! Can't do anything lol!

Mar 22, 2015

Raylene I.

Awe traci! I didn't smile Cuz with out teeth I look freaky lol.