MOTD - purple lips 😈💜🔮


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So I never most MOTD's, but I tried something COMPLETELY out of my comfort zone. I never wear lip colours besides nudes on occasion because I always get insecure, but I decided to give it a shot and wear it to work (I'm a makeup artist so it's less intimidating) and I wanted your opinion on whether the colour suited me or not as well as any tips to gain confidence to wear lip colours in public, I'd honestly LOVE to be able to wear reds and pinks and all the pretty colours I seem to constantly buy Hahahah. OH and I waxed my eyebrows much thinner than usual and was wondering how Ya'll felt about them? It's quite the change but I almost feel they make me look older. Products used: •Benefit porefessional •MUFE HD foundation •Maybelline fit me (for highlighting) •MAC prolong wear as cream contour •Kevyn aucoin sculpting powder •Beauty extension translucent mattefying powder •Nars blush in new order (not sure if I'm loving it) •artistik 88 neutrals pallete •the purple under my eyes is the MUFE electric purple single shadow •XTREMELASH mascara under eyes •Anastasia brow pomade in dark brown •essence liquid liner HG And the star of the show is the KVD liquid lips in LUV.

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Up close. Please excuse the hot mess state my skin is in this weekend did NOT do me good lol!

Jun 3, 2015

Olivia G.


Thank you Olivia!

Jun 3, 2015

Sadiya R.

You rock that lip color,

Jun 3, 2015

Sadiya R.

Sorry, my advice is: make sure that your lip color won't transfer to your teeth :p keep on wearing brilliant colors

@Jacqlyn I'm not sure where you live, but here in Canada the minimum age requirement Is 16 ☺️ I'm actually currently working on completing my full estheticians certifications! It just depends on the school and who will hire you but the age is legal :) @sadiya thank you girl! It's growing on me

We've got quite a few awesome ones! A lot require a diploma simply because they are full time but I actually finished my schooling early through correspondents (for my grade 11 year) so I could take the year to do my schooling! Next year I'll be back to regular classes though :)

And thanks girl!

Thanks Liz! I always see all of you guys rocking lippies it's quite the inspiration

Jun 3, 2015

Cristina M.

That color looks nice on you.

Thank you Cristina :)

Jun 3, 2015

Amy P.

You look gorgeous! I love the brows and the lips!

Thank you Amy!! I actually like the brows as well, plus going thinner allowed me to deepen my arch which I loooove

Jun 4, 2015

Alaina C.

Love it!!

Jun 4, 2015

Ileene M.

It looks very good on you :)

Thank you ladies, definitely making me think!

Jun 4, 2015

Livi H.

Brittany! You look gorgeous in purple. I say rock bold lips more often. Love it!!

Ugh I just get so self conscious as soon as someone looks at me I wanna wipe them off. Wearing them all day today definitely helped me get used to the idea though

Jun 4, 2015

Livi H.

They're looking because they're saying "I want that lip color ughhhhhh" LOL when I look at women with pretty lip colors that's what I'm saying in my head.

LOL I do the same, my brain just sucks! I think it's just cause it's such a dramatic difference I have to get used to.

Jun 5, 2015

Jay H.

I love this!!

Jun 5, 2015

Mindee H.

You look awsum in it :)))))

Thank you Jay and Mindee❤️