I wanna clear my skin :( helppp.


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I would go to a dermatologist, they'll be able to give you expert advice and provide/suggest products (:

Jun 4, 2015

Shyla L.

I've never had terrible acne. Through my teenage years I always only broke a little.


I had a terrible break out a couple of years ago that I'm still fighting the scars from. It was horrible and the pimples were huge, refusing to go away. I would cry because of it!

I did a lot of research, found a website(acne.com I think) that talked about how to wash you face and apply treatment.

I bought clearasil ultra acne medication and, twice a day after washing my face, apply half a fingers length to all affected areas. Wait for it to dry completely and then apply moisturizer.

This worked so well! I noticed a difference within one week and I give this advice to everyone, it works really well!

Jun 4, 2015

Lydia B.

Okay so I have AWFUL acne, I went to a doc and they put me on some anti biotics and this Friday I am going to go to a dermo

but make sure that you wash your face TWICE a day (my acne is caused by my skin making extra grease/ oil)
at night before I go to sleep I tone my face and than use acne cream my scream seems to help control it a bit but once I get my actual medication it'll take like a couple of months to get clear skin

Jun 4, 2015

Lydia B.

Cream not scream whoops**

Jun 4, 2015

Gabriela S.

Retinol works very well to clear acne and acne scarring. I have suffered from it for about 8 years now and it worked wonders for me!

Jun 4, 2015

Gabriela S.

I've been using the drugstore "wrinkle" line Roc Cosmetics, which is a retinol treatment. Even though it's for wrinkles it works very well for skin rejuvenation overall!

Jun 4, 2015

Gabriela S.

I'm 20 so I would definitely recommend that :)

Jun 5, 2015

Gabriela S.

Anytime! Good luck xx