Need some suggestions...


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Jun 16, 2015

April L.

I've been searching for something to make my under eyes pop. Right now I use nars concealer and then a physicians formula powder to set it. It works fine for covering the darkness under my eyes but I want it to be bright and white under there!! What are some products that I can use to achieve this? Thanks everyone :)

Jun 16, 2015

Alexis C.

Just use a concealer a shade lighter than your skin tone. It'll highlight and brighten the area. You don't want it to be white, it'll just look crazy.

Jun 16, 2015

April L.

Lol yes maybe not literally white you might be right. I'll have to pick up some more concealer and see how that works. I'm surprised I haven't just done that lol

Jun 16, 2015

April L.

Thanks Alexis :)

Jun 16, 2015

Alma M.

A eye brightener would work great. if you happen to have dark undereye area you may not want to go lighter with a concealer because it can give a opposite effect to the under eye darkness and actually bring it forward :)

Jun 17, 2015

April L.

Thank you alma I'll look into that