Hair question/advice help.


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Jun 18, 2015

Zoe P.

Hi girlies!
I was wondering why I shouldn't brush my hair when it's wet. I've seen it been posted around that it is bad to brush your hair when it's wet but, why? Also what's the alternative? Finger combing? Or just letting your hair dry, then comb it? HELP!

Jun 18, 2015

Alexis C.

Brushing your hair when it's wet causes breakage. Use a wide tooth comb instead.

Jun 18, 2015

Rissa G.

Because hair is way more fragile when wet. Brushing wet causes the hair to stretch out and break off easier, which results in lovely split ends.

Jun 18, 2015

Rissa G.

I personally brush before the shower, then when my conditioner is sitting in my hair I finger comb it, and after I get out I dry my hair with a t-shirt (to me it helps with less tangles which means you don't have to brush through it much) and let it air dry...THEN brush again. Lol. Oh, always always brush from ends to root,

Jun 18, 2015

Rissa G.

It's better to brush in the shower after conditioning ^ that's understandable. However hair really does stretch and break easier when wet, try it on a strand of hair lol! It's so fragile. I do agree though, I've always had suuuuper long healthy hair and my mom use to brush the crap out of it roughly when it was wet when I was younger all the time so yeah lol.

Jun 18, 2015

Rissa G.

No I know (: I've heard of curly hair girls having to brush their hair in the shower! & me either, but I've also had thick hair. I dunno! It's trial and error, and everyone is different I agree (:

Jun 18, 2015

Livi H.

I don't use a brush, I use a wide tooth comb or I use one of hair picks lol!! It works like if you were to run your fingers to your hair.

Jun 18, 2015

Bella R.

Everyone's hair is different but if you must use a wide tooth comb😚

Jun 18, 2015

Mindi K.

What about using the wet brush? IT s great. So gentle.

Jun 18, 2015

Leila C.

Brushing your hair weather it's wet or dry is going to be damaging either way. It honestly depends on if you have straight hair or curly/wavy hair. I think the most important think is to just brush your hair as least as possible. I brush mine only when I'm conditioning it because if I brush when dry it gets frizzy.

Jun 18, 2015

Zoe P.

Thanks all for the advice!