Good Redness Reducers?


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Jun 15, 2015

Kelsi H.

I have really red spots on my face from my acne and I am curious as to what I can put on my face to reduce the redness or even make it go away when I put my makeup on bc the redness sometimes goes through my heavy coverage foundation.

Jun 15, 2015

Justine S.

Try using a outlet that is a redness reducer.

Jun 15, 2015

Lydia B.

I have the same problem but to cover red I use green concealer (it rly works)

Jun 15, 2015

katie s.

I use a green bb cream. it's amazing. you could also use a green concealer or primer (:

Jun 15, 2015

Amy P.

I have an anti redness base which is green and creamy ish and I use it all over my face so I won't get uneven spots. Then I use my green color corrector (only if I really really need it) and then foundation etc.

Jun 15, 2015

Sadie G.

I used to have really bad rosacea and I started drinking more water and putting Aloe Vera on my face and its reduced significantly!

Jun 15, 2015

Dev G.

Green bb cream works, but I also have a blemish concealer!