Large Pores Problem.


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Jun 9, 2015

Saz C.

How do I get rid of large pores? or do any of you have any skin care recommendations please?  :)

Jun 9, 2015

Taylor F.

Have you tried putting a little bit of toothpaste on them at night and wash it off in the morning?

Jun 9, 2015

Jorie C.

Do not put toothpaste on your face. I would buy biore strips and use a charcoal face wash it'll help I have been doing this for a few days I can see the difference

Jun 9, 2015

Sarah N.

Do NOT put toothpaste on your face. Toothpaste contains ingredients that are surfactants to make it foam up and are irritants. the pH level of toothpaste will also mess with your acid mantle which will cause so many more issues to arise and is needed when it comes to bacteria on your skin. You cannot get rid of large pores but you can work on clearing them with a clay mask and exfoliating with BHA products will promote cell turnover

Jun 9, 2015

Indira E.

You should take a look at the glamglow the white one is really good I love it.

Jun 9, 2015

Shauna S.

You can't get rid of pores but splashing cold water on your face can temporarily reduce their appearance. Also a charcoal mask is good to use as well to unclog your pores. I like the Origins Charcoal Mask.

Jun 11, 2015

Melissa B.

Megan is absolutely right! Pore size is genetic, so if you have large pores there is no way to make them smaller. You can use primers and products to help reduce the appearance or try to tighten them, but at the end of the day your pores are not going to get smaller.