Vitamin B12 and acne.


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Jun 25, 2015

Diana T.

Hey beauties
I wanted to share an article I found through the website "science alert" here is a photo of the name of the article but it basically explains that consuming B12 in excess can alter the bacterial chemistry of your skin on your face - it was an interesting read but it also says up front that there is not much science available as to the exact causes behind acne - most of the research has only come from observations of the effects of acne when a person is exposed to certain things - and I think it's also good to read articles like this and know that scientifically no matter what your derm says or products you use that may help with acne - since the cause is still scientifically unknown then there is no real cute for it - only treatments that may or may not work depending on your skin type - if you beauties have read this or similar articles I'd like to know what research you all have and can share with me and other beauties in terms of scientific studies about acne just because I'm curious and love learning about skincare :) thanks everyone!

Jun 25, 2015

Diana T.

*cure not cute... Lol sorry.

Jun 26, 2015

Shannon T.

I don't have any research to share unfortunately, but I'm interested in this too! I had been looking into Vitamin B causing acne last year. My doctor recommended I take a Vitamin B-50 complex for energy because I'm tired all the time. It's basically a vitamin that contains multiple types of Vitamin B. After taking that for a while I experienced the worst acne of my life! It was deep cystic acne and white heads combined. It covered my jaw line, chin, and forehead mostly. It also worked it's way up to my cheeks some too. I started googling side effects of everything I was taking at the time and I came across several articles of people stating Vitamin B had given them acne as well. I had already made an appointment with a dermatologist before I found those articles, but I immediately stopped the vitamin B. It took a good 2-3 months for my face to clear up, but it is definitely a night and day difference between what it was while I was taking that vitamin!

Jun 26, 2015

Aracely M.


Jun 26, 2015

Shelley W.

I mentioned this to my husband and he agrees that this vitamin is a lil suspect and not surprised by its findings. He said a lot of athletes take this vitamin as well and if you look at their skin...its not the greatest. I see the bad acne on the body builders that train in my gym and the speciality sports drinks that they drink contain Vitamin B12. The women especially...cystic acne on the chin and forehead. Great post Diana. ;)

Jun 26, 2015

Sabrina K.

Oh Wauw... I get B12 injection every 6-8 weeks due to a severe vitamin shortage (my body have difficulty obtaining the vitamins on its own) I don't have acne but I now wonder if this is doing anything else to my skin!

Jun 26, 2015

Shelley W.

You should be fine Sabrina has your body is in need of it versus those just taking it for xy and z without a deficiency. There are also some that just aren't affected by its side-effects.

Jun 26, 2015

Diana T.

Very interesting beauties thanks for sharing! Well needless to say I'll probably try to stay away from it as much as possible but it will be difficult to completely cut it out - but everything in moderation is probably key - thanks for the responses!

Jun 26, 2015

Patricia K.

This is why a lot of vegans end of up with acne when they're first starting out. I'm vegan and many of us begin taking a B-12 supplement and we overdo it. Thanks for the article!

Jun 26, 2015

Livi H.

Hey Diana is it only facial acne or it could be acne on the body too? I recently started taking the vitamin because it helped with my fatigue but I noticed since the last few months I developed some weird cystic acne on my chest! It is so weird :/ sigh thank you for the article I even looked it up some more

Jun 26, 2015

Diana T.

This article says it messes with bacteria on the face but it would surprise me if it affected other areas of the skin in general.

Jun 26, 2015

Diana T.

*wouldnt surprise me

Jun 26, 2015

Livi H.

It does make sense that it wouldn't be limited on our face, but all over the skin in general. Since the vitamin should affect all areas of our bodies... It makes sense because I started getting these weird cysts when I started taking the supplements. Thank you Diana for the article

Diana T.

Washington State (USA)