Traveling With Brushes


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Jun 24, 2015

yasmine g.

Hi ladys I'm leveing for a 10 day trip to Hawaii soon with my hubby and I'm packing a lot of makeup in my suit case as well as brushes I have nothing to put my brushes in for the travel any cool/good tips how to store your brushes when traveling.

Jun 24, 2015

Shelley W.

I just pack the most essential brushes. Blush, powder and an eyeshadow brush. I place sleeves over them to protect the bristles and I just roll them up in my clothes. I roll my clothing versus folding because I discovered I maximize space in my suitcase this way. Makeup...I keep it light as well because when I packed a ton of it I found that I used only a quarter of it. Use bubble wrap for the makeup if checking it in as its the lightest material available and will cushion the fragile stuff.

Jun 24, 2015

Alicia C.

I agree with Shelley, packing only the brushes you plan on using is definitely the way to go (I personally take one of each and place them into separate makeup carrying compartments, I.e. section one for eye brushes, section two for face brushes, etc.) Even using smaller makeup travel pouches could work fantastically as well. For makeup, I plan out which specific looks I'm going to be creating whilst on vacation, and take only the products I will need for each specific look :)

Jun 25, 2015

Diana T.

I have one of those traveling brush sets that look like the expensive ones the MUA's use but the brushes are not that good of quality but while traveling it's fine and has all the brushes I need - I bought it online through mobstub - it look like a month to ship to me in the states but it was only like $25 for a full brush set with like 25 brushes for face and eyes and all the brushes come in a nice travel case.