Peeling skin, Pimples, HELP!!


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Jun 21, 2015

Natalie A.

I've been out in the sun and swimming a lot lately, and as a result, I have a couple new pimples that I've been treating. But my skin is peeling and gross in some areas- how can I keep my makeup smooth and waterproof (please no video suggestions) Thank you!!

Jun 21, 2015

Joy M.

Imo I wouldn't wear any foundation and let your skin heal without makeup but if you do make sure you put aloe vera on your face and use a good green primer to reduce redness :) this happened to me days before the first day of school once and I didn't wear any makeup except on the first day lol everyone thought I used to much blush but it was just sunburn??

Jun 21, 2015

Joy M.
