Do certain metals affect your nose?


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Jun 20, 2015

Aeries B.

Sorry if this is a dumb question but I want to get my nose pierced however my ears are really sensitive and I can only have real gold earrings..will my nose react the same way?

Jun 20, 2015

Amy H.

My belly button did. I couldn't use anything but sterling silver in my ears and when I usd a cheap belly bar it got really inflamed like my ears did.

Jun 20, 2015

Lara C.

Probably, you have sensitive skin so itll most likely affect your nose as well

Jun 21, 2015

Marie R.

Yeah.depends on your skin sensitivity

Jun 21, 2015

Tessandra R.

Most likely. Your skin is allergic to the fake gold, so it will most likely react the same. :)

Jun 21, 2015

Shaye M.

It's the nickel that irritates most people, buy silver or gold.

Jun 21, 2015

Jaden C.

My ears were craaaaazy sensitive, however my nose has not been. The worst that happened was I bought some studs from hot topic that were crap & turned the area around my nose piercing green (similar to when you wear a cheap ring & it turns your finger green). You might be okay to try them, if you start having a bad reaction just change to gold.

Jun 21, 2015

Aeries B.

Thanks guys this was really helpful :)

Jun 24, 2015

Ashley C.

I had a serious allergic reaction to the nose ring the piercer used and had to take it out. Years later, I decided to try again and the employee told me to use surgical stainless steel only, she pierced me with it, and I never saw any issues! If you already know you're not allergic to gold, I suggest you stick with it. Good luck!