I need help with any good skin products for eczema and sensitive/dry skin.


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May 18, 2015

Joyce P.


May 18, 2015

Joyce P.

I need help with any good skin products for eczema and sensitive/dry skin.

Face or body? :)

May 18, 2015

Gabriela S.

Aveeno, Eucerin, and Shea Moisture are very good more sensitive skin. Shea moisture is all natural, aveeno is great for eczema, and Eucerin is the best I've tried for dry skin. For a completely natural option, coconut oil is amazing for the face and body.

May 18, 2015

Lara C.

For my body I use a dove soap bar since its soft. And I apply cerave body cream before bed... Its unscented and really helps with my itchiness... Its also approved for eczema, anywhooo its worth a try. For face, I personally used a prescribed cortizone cream so I don't know :/

May 18, 2015

Charlotte B.

E45 cream

May 19, 2015

Delara g.

You probably should go down to the chemist and ask the practitioner there about what products they've got for your type of condition, I always do that and they are very helpful

May 19, 2015

Hannah K.

E45 cream and steroid cream (which is only available over prescription) are great for eczema, both my mum, best friend and boyfriend have severe eczema and they work great. Also try to use products without fragrance (can be labelled as unscented).

May 19, 2015

Trisha C.

For showering I use a brand called Elave, they're really good and don't irritate my eczema at all, I don't know if it's available where you live. for moisturing I use Epaderm it works really well, I've had eczema my whole life and they're the things that I use that can control :)

May 19, 2015

Trisha C.

Also if you find yourself getting itchy or it's flaring up, take an antihistamine, that'll help to stop it from getting really bad and itchy :)

Jul 25, 2015

Roz X.

Hi, dweets. I know you have been quiet, but was thinking of you and your family. Hope you are all well. Much love. xoxo.

Jul 25, 2015

Roz X.


Jul 25, 2015

Emilia C.

Hi. I have dry and sensitive skin. I like to use aveeno, pure Shea butter or doctor organic cream on my skin. E45 didn't work for my dry skin but it's supposed to help with eczema. I am trying to find a. Good face cream and I'll tell you if it works for me;)