Is St Ives Apricot Scrub Bad For Your Skin??


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Jan 1, 2013

Alexis W.

It is HORRIBLE just as Julianne and Madi said there right on point! The apricot pieces in the skin are not refined so they sharp and jagged and they are actually leaving micro cuts on your skin. I go to school right now for esthetician and am about to graduate in a month and we learned about how horrible this scrub is my first day of class. I had been using it for years and had a big thing of it at home and once I learned what it does I threw it away immediately. It also causes premature aging! Which I know none of us girls want to do to ourselves. Dermalogica has a good exfoliating scrub called Skin Prep Scrub that has the same scrubby feeling but the beads in it are super refined so there not hurting your skin like the st.ives! 

Jan 2, 2013

Bridget V.

Ok so what's a good drugstore exfoliator brand? Thanks!

Jan 2, 2013

Alyse M.

St Helene I think it's called, you can get it at Sally's 

Jan 2, 2013

Sophie S.

I love the green tea scrub by st Ives. The key is to just use a little and to VERY GENTLY rub it into your skin. I only use it occasionally but it's way more gentle and I supposed to help redness.

Jan 2, 2013

Martina C.

I use it every day & I love it, try the cleanser too:)

Jan 2, 2013

Lizzy A.

Don't use st Ives apricot scrub!! The beads actually cut your face!! Use a scrub with beads that's aren't hard. 

Jan 2, 2013

Lexi C.

wow!!! thank you fir all your help ladies!

Jan 2, 2013

Vanessa C.

If it works for you, use it. It doesnt matter what others have to say about it as long as it works for you. 

Jan 2, 2013

Sandra K.

I had used the St Ives scrub in the past and I've found that it is pretty harsh, it takes all of the oil that you NEED (yes I did say need, if you take it all off your body goes into overdrive and produces more, excess oil leads to clogged pores and that leads to more acne). I am actuall using baking soda, it is mildly abrasive so it exfoliates and cleanses. After that I use olive oil and a hot rag. Other than that I dont use anything and my skin has totally cleared up and I never need extra moisturizer. 

I think it's a case by case basis. I know that they do make one for sensitive skin... I've used both.. the sensitive skin formula has much smaller beads...I feel like I'm getting better exfoliation using the regular scrub though. I haven't had any issues with it, and I've been using it for years.. 

Jan 3, 2013

Alicia P.

You should not be using it every day. It is WAY to harsh. Use 2-3 times a week and rotate with a gentle cleanser. 

Jan 3, 2013

Nina S.

I love st ives!! if you do opt for any scrub, even if it says daily, don't use it daily! use a gentle mask instead

Jan 3, 2013

Alyssa U.

Yes. The apricot scrub is too harsh for your facial skin, the "beads your talking about are actually walnut shell & apricot pit shell all ground up into bits. Obviously it's up to you personally, but you are literally scratching your skin, usually causing very tiny abrasions. Any esthetician is going to tell you to use something else. But if you like it, of course your going to keep using it. If you like St. Ives, give their green tea scrub a try, I think it works better and the grain is much finer milled so its not so abrasive! 

Jan 3, 2013

Vee F.

Kate Somerville-ExfoliKate 

Jan 3, 2013

Vee F.

Use the gentle version if the strong one is too harsh.

Jan 3, 2013

Taylor M.

Thanks Madi!

Jan 3, 2013

Bianca C.

I love the scrub! it felt so soft on the first use and it's helped me with keep ing my face pretty clear.

Jan 3, 2013

Nimi M.

It broke me out. St Ives 

Jan 3, 2013

Sade Y.

I personally like the smell of it but I do think the beads are too harsh for my skin. It does get rid of the dead skin but my face looks a bit damaged after I use it. I try to use maybe once a month.

Jan 4, 2013

Grace D.

I love the St. Ives Apricot scrub. I makes my skin feel soft without irritation. Maybe some people have had problems with it but I haven't.

Jan 4, 2013

Leona G.

if it was it would be recalled

Monki P.

Jan 5, 2013

Monki P.

The beads were too harsh on my skin. The only scrub that hasn't been too harsh for my skin is the stuff from burta bees tho. If you like it, keep using it.

Jan 6, 2013

Alyse M.

Leona, that's not true. Many products out there that are sold aren't necessarily good for you but it doesn't mean it's going to be recalled...

Jan 6, 2013

Molly Z.

My skin is very oily so I use this scrub every day and I love it. It makes my skin so soft and radiant looking.

Jan 6, 2013

Krissy F.

If the scrub particles are too large they will make microscopic scrapes on your skin which won't necessarily appear but can cause a lot of other issues, stretch pores and invite bacteria for breakouts. If its got toxins in it (which it does- check it out & any of your products at the Skin Deep Data Base at
You want a very fine grit that will buff not scratch. You can make your own with sugar and milk- the lactic acid is great and the sugar gently buffs :)