for those who own a Clarisonic


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Jan 1, 2013

Hayley P.

How long until you saw results after using your Clarisonic? What changed about your skin!? I bought one Boxing Day but so far no change besides softer skin..

Jan 1, 2013

Jen H.

I noticed a major difference in about 2 weeks. I broke out a bit for those first 2 weeks and then, whoa! Clarity and smoothness like nobody's business! 

I just bought mine a few days ago and my skin feels a lore cleaner and my pores are already smaller from that I can see. My chin is a little broken out but I think that's because it's my main problem area and its trying to clean it up. Thus far it's great! 

A lot*

Jan 1, 2013

Abbey M.

I've had mine for over a year now and have noticed results that last. Within the first 2 weeks you with start to notica a difference but it doesn't last if your inconsistent.

Jan 1, 2013

Becky D.

Just bought mine online with some Xmas gift cards. Can't wait to try it out. Can you use any cleanser??

Jan 2, 2013

Hayley P.

I've heard you can use pretty much any cleanser with it. I wouldn't use exfoliating cleansers though! Too rough on the skin. So far I'm just using the sample size Clarisonic cleanser for oily skin. Hoping my acne will clear up :) definitely have a reduced amount of blackheads !