Bad Acne! Please help me!


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Jan 17, 2015

Helen V.

I am 17 and I have HORRIBLE acne issues! At times my skin is oily and have dry patches that get really flaky and exfoliating many times does not get off all the flakes ><. Please help me!

Jan 17, 2015

Kiran K.

Don't exfoliate that will just enlarge your pores which will result in more acne...I suggest you to use neutrogena acne cleanser and oil free moisturizer...that is helping me a lot...hope that helps you too :)

Jan 17, 2015

Rebecca R.

Tee tree products are great for acne as well especially if you apply tee tree oil to the area twice a day

Jan 17, 2015

Helen V.

Thank you! I will look into both tea tree oil and nuetregena is a nice brand

Jan 17, 2015

Georgia B.

Go to the doctors! I had acne for three years and have tried anything until they recommended zineryt, worked a wonder!

Jan 17, 2015

Bailey E.

Honestly the best thing you can do for acne is to go to a dermatologist. I struggled with it for years until I finally went, and every since I've had almost zero problems with acne.

Jan 18, 2015

Jack B.

Coconut oil can cause some people to break out, so spot test before using it everywhere. Oil cleansing in general is hit-or-miss, but that's pretty much the case for any acne treatment. It's a lot of experimentation. Neutrogena products can be quite harsh, but usually teenage skin is more resilient so you may not have a problem with it. Avoid manual exfoliation until you've got acne under control, as it'll just open pimples and spread bacteria around. If you can't afford the dermatologist a general practitioner may also be able to help. If you've got to go it alone: a face wash with salicylic acid and a lotion with benzoyl peroxide (2%) is a super successful acne-fighting combo. Diluted tea tree oil is a great spot treatment. And even though you're oily you need a good moisturizer. Toners (witch hazel is a popular one) may also help. You may want to look into birth control, especially if your acne is hormonal. Drink at least 2L water daily, wash your pillows and pillowcases at least once a week, dry your face with a clean towel every time, avoid dairy and soy (high hormone levels in them can cause breakouts - especially dairy), and clean your phone screen / big headphones / glasses / anything that touches your face regularly. Train yourself to stop touching your face and DO NOT PICK.

Jan 18, 2015

Jack B.

Finally, your acne really doesn't look that bad at all. I know it can seem really terrible - I only ever had pretty mild acne but felt absolutely HORRIBLE about it while I had it. While you've got marks and scars watch YouTube videos on how to cover severe acne with makeup. It'll help you feel more confident if you can take pictures or go out with clear-looking skin, but I also found that seeing people with acne much worse than mine who could still look gorgeous made me feel a lot less self conscious.

Jan 20, 2015

Tara J.

I used to have acne like you do now.
I wash with a clay bar/tea tree bar soap, no manual exfoliation.
I use Braggs apple cider vinegar with water ratio for a toner. 1:2, then once skin has adapted to vinegar, you can use straight vinegar.
I've started to skip moisturizer bc I ran out 2 weeks ago, but the apple cider vinegar has a super close pH level to skin. helps to balance it out.