Breaking out on one side 😫


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Jan 5, 2015

Ms L.

Hi beauties! So as the title reads I've been breaking out badly on my right side only and I mean I have 1 small pimple on my left side that just popped out today. I had bad acne last winter as well but I started using topical treatments in MAY and my skin cleared up a lot. But now I started breaking out again which I've come to conclusion that it's the cold Chicago weather. But how come it is only on one side?? Any opinions on the reason? And some advice on keeping my skin healthy in these temperatures :) thanks!!

Jan 5, 2015

Rissa G.

Do you sleep on that side?

Jan 5, 2015

Hannah K.

A lot of times, breakouts happen on the side that you often or always:

-sleep on
-use your phone on
-lean against your hand

In really cold, windy or dry climates I find that it's really important to moisturize and occasionally finding a more hydrating face wash or something works well. This is just me though, and everyone has different skin =)

Jan 5, 2015

Ms L.

Well honestly I'm not sure if I do sleep on my right side... But I've been trying not to, now that I'm more conscious about it. But I never actually broke out until last year where it had been the worst... So I don't know :(
And thanks for the advice @Hannah. I have oily skin but what hydrating cleanser and moisturizer would you suggest?

Jan 5, 2015

Hannah K.

Oh man, I have REALLY dry skin so I'm not entirely sure what would work for you unfortunately but I'm a huge fan of cleansing balms and I've heard that with oily skin they can really help control the oil.

Jan 5, 2015

Traci L.

Breaking out only on one side can be hormonal , something out of balance it can also be a food allergy if you have been eating more of something lately , of course check with your doctor but I do recommend flaxseed or fish oil pills they bring down inflammation in the body and also drinking lemon water, as well as using antioxidants topically to help with inflammation, you can use a tee tree oil toner as well.

Jan 5, 2015

Ms L.

Thanks ladies!! Appreciate your help. I guess I'll have to go back to my doctor :)

Jan 7, 2015

Linda A.

Almost always cell phone or any type of phone you use often (like your home or work phone) next time you use your cell, check the screen and see what king of smudging from oil or make up is left behind. Its pretty scary when you actually see the "evidence"

Jan 7, 2015

Linda A.
