My Lucky Bag


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Jan 9, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

I don't take everything so personal, but the way you said it, felt like an attack on her, when all she did was give you feed back on what the person that did the bags said, belive me I was upset wiyh what I got on a natural bag glitter and a dark shadow, cuz there's nothing nothing natural about that, if I were to come out to you the way you did to jackie amd alicia I'm sure you would be pissed, cuz I called you out, just cuz they work in beautylish dosent mean that they are in the same department or know what goes on with the rest of beautylish you wouldnt ask a web technician what's going on with the lucky bags right? Cuz he will most likely not know cuz thats none of his buisness or department, well either way i hope u get ur questions answered on the email ur going to send have a nice day

Jan 9, 2015

ella h.

I, too, am not impressed. I saw the first review of the Natural Bag on Youtube by A Silberman and got so excited. I would have used every single thing in it - Benjabelle brush tree, Eliis Faas mascara, and most of all, RCMA Blush Set. What an amazing deal.
I thought everybody would get the same products. What a disappointment, I should not have watched the video, I would not have been so let down. I received
Bliss Body butter (hate), Nudestix mascara (don't like), LIT Kit (not too keen on glitter). I will enjoy KA, am willing to try Indie Lee's toner,I am sure will enjoy WG brush. I am a brush lover, have his Collection, but not this one (no 14).
Can I please choose the other option? (wishing LOL)

Jan 10, 2015

Anony M.

Why are people who work at Beautylish commenting on this thread?

Oct 23, 2017

Sunny Y.

Thanks for the play wsop chips game is the very fast play game.

Mar 31, 2018

Sunny Y.

SO we like the game it is to be great start.