Tips on starting a beauty club at school!


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Jul 14, 2017

Jessica V.

Hey guys! So this upcoming fall I'm going to college and I thought it would be a fun idea to create a beauty club at school being that makeup is a huge passion of mine. The focus of my club will solely be on makeup. I had a few ideas so far such as people having to create makeup tutorials maybe in collaboration with some filmmaking/tv majors and presenting them to the group, or requesting to have the club do makeup on communication majors who will be on screen or theater majors. Of course we would need their consent considering none of us will be certified artists. Those are just some of the ideas I have. Do any of you guys have any other ideas or tips on how to run a successful club that'll keep club members interested?? Thanks!

Jul 18, 2017

Anushi S.

Keeping workshops... competitions and daily activities will keep people interested

Apr 24, 2018

Norman A.

It you truly need to be popular in school you: Get top evaluations, take an interest in school exercises (Including scholastic clubs), go to school with a reason, remain out of inconvenience, and be a pioneer of coaching different colleagues who may require tutoring.