Need chapped lips gone. Help!


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Jan 3, 2015

Shannon B.

So I get my head shots, body shots and other photos I need done for modeling done on Wednesday.
But my lips have been chapped for a week and a half now and they won't go away.
Any ideas on what I can do girls?

Jan 3, 2015

Kelsey F.

You could gently exfoliate them and apply a super moisturizing chapstick :)

Jan 3, 2015

Rebecca W.

What I do if my lips are chapped is I carry around my most moisturizing chap sticks and I apply them repeatedly all day that helps me a lot and not putting lipstick or any thing on them like that:)

Jan 3, 2015

Faith F.

Exfoliate and then use Blistex Ultra Rich-Moisture

Jan 3, 2015

Shiro M.

Exfoliate, drink lots of water, and apply lip balm often. I find the Burts Bees lip balms to be super moisturizing.

Jan 3, 2015

Makeup L.

Use a toothbrush and gently rub it to remove the dead skin and then apply chapstip. I recommend eos anything except for carmex😊

Jan 3, 2015

Ariana G.

I had extremely chapped lips for the past two weeks and I was able to get rid of them in 2-3 days. You need to exfoliate your lips DAILY to get rid of the dry, rough dead skin. Either use a sugar scrub or a toothbrush, they work either way. Use something like Aquaphor on your lips right after you exfoliate your lips and then use your most moisturizing lip balm over that. Keep reapplying lip balm as soon as you feel like your lips are getting dry. I suggest Burts Bees lip balm because they have ingredients in it that are actually moisturizing such as coconut oil, shea butter, and Vitamin E. I actually had a problem occur when I was trying to get rid of my chapped lips myself. I would put lip balm before I went to bed but I would still get extremely chapped lips when I woke up and I would be back at square one. So maybe wake up a couple times at night to reapply lip balm? All the tips I have. Good luck :)

Jan 3, 2015

Shannon B.

Thank you lovelies! (:
I'll definitely try all those things :)

Jan 3, 2015

Sarah N.

I love Vaseline for overnight help, since you won't be awake to feel the yucky slipperiness. I go really heavy-handed with it, and the next day my lips are 10x better.

Jan 3, 2015

Charlie D.

I would suggest exfoliating with a toothbrush following by a moist towel or flannel and finally putting a moisturising Chapstick/lip balm on.

Jan 3, 2015

Victoria S.

Brush your lips with olive oil and sugar then apply vaseline/moisturizer.

Jan 3, 2015

Stacy V.

Gently exfoliate with your tooth brush daily and use a moisturising lip balm and your good to go

Jan 4, 2015

Mya M.

Lip scrub! Fabulips sugar scrub is amazing! Gets dead skin off quick. And once your done use a moisturizer. Worked wonders for me

Jan 4, 2015

Katherine G.

Exfoliate before bed then put ALOT of layers of Chapstick on and it shills be gone in the morning. Also drink as much water as you can.

Jan 4, 2015

Cassie C.

Drink water, exfoliate, and use lip balm. eOS, Burt's Bees, or Blistex are all really moisturizing.

Jan 4, 2015

Shea M.

I usually use lip balm and apply a LOT during the day and before bed.

Jan 4, 2015

Maria K.

Exfoliate them. They have a lot of house-made-lip-exofiator recipies online. Make sure to put balm on them after exfoliating them. Also drink water and eat healthy💪 everything will go back to normal when you drink water and eat healthy :)

Jan 4, 2015

London R.

Elf has an amazingggg lip exfoliater at an affordable price!

Jan 4, 2015

Ella M.

Exfoliate them with sugar and put a lot of Vaseline on them over night.

Jan 4, 2015

Shannon B.

Thank you so much! (:

Jan 4, 2015

Isabel M.

COWSHED LIPBALM!! This is really good. It does cost €15,- for 5 mL. That is $18,-. So it is a pretty expensive lipbalm but it is the only lipbalm that really works. I have tried EOS (which works okay) and burts bees (works a little bit better than EOS but still is not that amazing) and countless other brands. And cowshed is the only one which blew my mind. I used it when my lips were that dry that they started to bleed and after using it for 2 days my lips were soft like a baby's booty lol. But without kidding, this lipbalm is worth the money because it is amazing :). So if you a willing to spend $18,- on a lipbalm, that one is perfection 👌👌

Jan 4, 2015

Florence A.

Try the smiths rose bud salve!