Rosacea/redness. Need help.


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Jan 4, 2015

Kelsey W.

I've had rosacea/redness since grade 7. For 6 years now. I've been using foundation and powder everyday. I don't know which product to use for my skin. I have the redness all over my nose. Like literally all over. And my cheeks. I already found a good foundation for me. I just need help on how to treat my skin.

Jan 4, 2015

Shanae J.

Following! I have it baaaaad on my cheeks.

Jan 4, 2015

Mary P.

For me, minimizing my skin care routine has helped a lot with the redness (also have perioral dermatitis so it helps with flare ups too). and using gentle/sensitive skin products. I went to the dermatologist for it, between using the minocycline prescription and changing my routines it has helped a lot. hope this is helpful.

Jan 4, 2015

Michelle S.

I've had rosacea forever too and it really sucks. Sadly, there's no cure for rosacea like there is for acne. It can only be treated and minimized
All the products I use for skin care are gentle. I really like the brand Avene. I use the cleansing foam, thermal spring water spray, and the mattifying fluid (this reduces oils in the skin and really helps the redness go away)
Exfoliating is important, but you need to be careful with what you use. I use the gentle purifying scrub once or twice a week.
My dermatologist prescribed a gel for me to use one time a day and it has helped quite a bit

Jan 4, 2015

Michelle S.

I forgot to add that is really helpful. It'll help you find what skin products to use and what foods to avoid. I know that excess dairy and spicy foods trigger my rosacea, but there is no way I'm cutting both out completely. It's all about moderation.