Need to get rid of this pimple on 2 days.


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Jan 4, 2015

Katherine G.

I have a pimple on my forehead and I think it's kind of like an "under the skin" pimple so I can't pop it and its pretty painful😂 is there any way I can get rid of it in 2 days so I have clear skin before I have to be somewhere!?

Jan 4, 2015

Emma S.

Try to keep your hair out of your face and don't touch or mess with it. Maybe use Witch Hazel on your skin. Drink lots of water and eat healthy. I think this will help, but I'm not 100% sure that it will go away in 2 days. You can try though. Good luck!

Jan 4, 2015

Jolan G.

Drink water. And try tea tree oil and purpose face wash!

Jan 4, 2015

Shiro M.

Putting neosporin or crushed aspirin on the pimple will help it heal.

Jan 4, 2015

Yaira D.

Dot it with diluted tea tree oil! (:

Jan 4, 2015

Rebecca W.

Drink lots of water and hold a warm wash cloth on it a few times a day:)

Jan 4, 2015

Katherine G.

Thank you!!:)

Jan 5, 2015

Les N.

I use this when I have a bad pimple I need to get rid of fast. I love it, it works really well. You can find it at Walgreens, target etc. (:

Jan 5, 2015

Les N.

It says acne spot treatment, by the way lol.