What causes breakouts??


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Jan 6, 2015

Sandy D.

And is it true that milk causes hormonal acne? What other food cause acne?

Jan 6, 2015

Gabriela S.

I have had acne for almost 10 years and have never noticed my diet to affect. The only time I break out is if I fail to wash makeup off of my face, use a product my skin is particularly sensitive to, or if it is hormonal.

Jan 6, 2015

Kim D.

I have coeliac disease so if I eat bread/gluten I come up in a rash and become really ill! A lot of time acne can be a teenage thing though because of hormones! X

Jan 6, 2015

Kat H.

Wow, that's a loaded question!! it could be anything, really - the pH balance of your skin is off, a certain food, vitamin/mineral deficiency, a product you're using, something environmental...keep track of when you have flare ups and see if you can detect a pattern - maybe you'll be able to figure out what your specific trigger is.