Please please help! Skin problem.


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Jan 4, 2015

Aubrey N.

Okay so I'm 13 and I have has acne from when I was maybe like 11. It bc worse this past year 2014. I used proactive during the summer and it seemed to clear my skin up but I think it was also from the clorine in the pool cause I went swimming a lot. so this winter/fall my skin has been pretty like big breakouts all the time. I stopped using proactive and used this mud soap bar some lady sold to me and it totally cleared it up... then my skin just broke out completely. It was better than it was when I started using proactive. But I still get big red (mostly cystic) acne! Rn I have 1 white head tons of black head all over my nose. A lot of little pimples and about cystic acne. And my face gets red. I try to not use con clear that much but I do wear it to school. I really don't know what to do! Can anyone help? Clean & clears spot treatment helps a lot sometimes.

Jan 4, 2015

Aubrey N.

What did she give you?

Jan 4, 2015

Maria K.

Yes you should see a dermatologist. Plus make sure you know if any foods help you break out. For example, it was like that everytime I ate nutella, or any chocolate related food, so I stopped and it got a lot better  :)

Jan 4, 2015

Aubrey N.

Thanks guys! So do you have an idea on what they would give me??

Jan 4, 2015

ramie x.

It's different for everyone but they usually start off with topical treatments like creams or gels.

Jan 4, 2015

Michelle S.

When I used to have acne, my dermatologist prescribed EpiDuo to me. It's a gel that you use at night time.
I started off with ProActiv when I was around your age and boy did it screw my skin up!
If you do decide to see a derm, understand that patience is key. You may need to try a few products and medications before you see results

Jan 4, 2015

Aubrey N.

Thanks so much!! So until I see one what should I use??

Jan 4, 2015

Aubrey N.

Scheduling an appointment on Monday! Thanks everyone!

Jan 4, 2015

Michelle S.

Yes Jacqlyn is right. Use a gentle cleanser, since your skin is getting red and irritated.
Good luck at the derm :)

Jan 4, 2015

Aubrey N.

Will do! Thanks!❤️

Jan 5, 2015

Kat H.

You've also got to stick to what kids used Proactive and if they ever skipped a single day, POOF here come the pimples, again! Your dermatologist will prescribe something for you that will help fight acne from the inside out, as well. Could be hormonal since you're 13, too. Hang in there!

Jan 5, 2015

Leslie S.

My dermatologist prescrived retinol for me - she had mentioned that they typically use antibiotics for cystic acne but I wasn't interested in that route.

Jan 5, 2015

Leslie S.
