Bad acne help...


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Feb 23, 2015

Ria M.

I have really bad acne near my sideburns region and I can't seem to get rid of them! I've tried icing it, wash my face 3 times a day(morning, afternoon, and night)! Any opinions or face scrubs you recommend.

Feb 23, 2015

Gisell G.

I think you should try a chemical exfoliant. Paula's choice has one

Feb 23, 2015

Alyssa B.

It could be just regular hormonal acne and you may want to leave it alone and wait for it to subside instead of messing with it and causing irritation that could make it stay for longer. You also should avoid using scrubs when you have acne. Try a mask instead(:

Feb 23, 2015

Delara g.

Clean and clear has good products for acne, you can also try this natural face mask:
1 teaspoon of turmeric
1 teaspoon of raw organic honey
1 teaspoon of milk (you can also use yoghurt), wash your face and dry it then apply this mask till it dries up, about 20 than wash it iff

Feb 23, 2015

Delara g.

20 minutes*

Feb 23, 2015

Nicole S.

I'm 31 and have bad acne. I started washing my face, then using witch hazel, then after that dries I use cocoanut oil. It's worked absolute miracles on my face!!

Feb 23, 2015

Delara g.

Just a heads up, turmeric can stain your face if you have light skin, I'd do this mask at night just before I'd go to bed and then exfoliate my face.

Feb 23, 2015

Nicole S.

Don't over wash your face. When you do that it produces more oil that causes acne. It might sound crazy to use cocoanut oil because of the oil, but I promise it works sooooo well.

Feb 23, 2015

katie s.

1.) do not over wash your face. yes, it may sound good to wash your face 3 times a day because clean skin right? not exactly. washing your face more than two times a day is just very drying to the skin and your skin thinks it needs to produce more oil to help repair your skin which can cause acne.
2.) use facial masks. I think everyone needs a little "spa" day once a week or once every two weeks! it's so relaxing and amazing for the skin!
3.) check the ingredients in your products! use products that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide (: they are great for getting rid of acne.
4.) have a healthy diet! not necessarily a diet, but just have a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy meals. believe it or not, eating healthy actually can improve the appearance of our skin!
5.) maybe it's the products you are using. make sure your cleansers and skin care products don't have any harsh chemicals such as sulfates. they are very bad for the skin and instead of healing the skin, it will actually harm and irritate the skin!

Feb 23, 2015

Livi H.

In regarding cleansing face, Coconut oil works well to remove all makeup then follow with your face wash. The only thing that works to remove bacteria from acne is by using tea tree oil. Just use a cotton swab and pat at the affected area after washing your face.

Feb 23, 2015

Haley W.

Tea tree oil and aloe Vera gel helps.

Feb 23, 2015

Kalah D.

Neutrogenas grape fruit oil free acne

Feb 23, 2015

Sisi S.

Go see your dermatologist. She will get rid of the pimples and she will defensively recommend you a skin care which will suit you. Dermatologist is a very important :) she'll help ya! Here's a photo of me months ago and the skin was real good :) it was after months of treating though :) good luck