Tanning for the face.


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Feb 23, 2015

Logan C.

Does anyone have any good recommendations for oil free tanning products for the face? I was looking into tan towelettes and was wondering if any of these are oil free?? I wear sunscreen during the summer but my body still gets tan by the pool but I refuse to put my face in the sun at all bc I care about wrinkles here more lol so all suggestions welcome!! Thanks :)

Feb 23, 2015

Breeze T.

Clinique makes a gel tanner that washes off, I love it! Clinique Self Sun Bronzing Gel Tint! It doesn't have any shimmer in it (it used to have it but they changed formula). You can mix it with your face cream/sunscreen, that way it's easier to apply and you only need a drop!

Feb 23, 2015

Breeze T.

If you want something that lasts longer, I suggest the face self tanner by Vita Liberata but I'm not sure about whether it's oil free.

Feb 23, 2015

Tyler M.

I know of quite a few people who get a foundation that matches their tan. Maybe try that if you can't find a good face self tanner?

Feb 23, 2015

Maressa H.

Following! I have the same problem.

Feb 23, 2015

Logan C.

Thanks breeze! I love clinique products and so does my skin so I will definitely be looking into that product :) and Tyler I do normally get a bronzer in the summer but I go without makeup a lot in the summer so I also want a tanning product but thank you for your suggestion! @maressa I know it sucks trying to keep my face/neck same as my body lol

Feb 23, 2015

Traci L.

Kate Somerville tan towel, there loaded with good skin care ingredients and doesn't leave a orange cast.

Feb 23, 2015

Raylene I.

Traci is that made just for face? When I was still in highschool one of the biology teachers used tanning wipes and she always looked gorgeous, but I could never find them (or any wipe type product) and she wouldn't tell us what exactly she used... I think she was embarrassed that's when self tanners kind of became big and a lot of the girls were using them and got made fun of Cuz they looked umpa loompa ish. Haha but her skin was gourgeously tanned she had no reason to be embarrassed. But anyway my ramblings are done lol.

Feb 23, 2015

Breeze T.

No problem! The gel looks black when it comes out of the tube, kinda scary! But when blended it looks very natural, it has a *tiny* bit of red in it to make it look like you actually went in the sun for a while :)

Feb 23, 2015

Logan C.

Traci L I was looking at those but I wasn't sure about how good it was for the face but that's good news! I will look into those as well. Do you happen to know if they are sold at ulta or sephora? I know I've seen them before just can't remember where

Feb 23, 2015

Traci L.

I know they have Kate Somerville at Sephora but I'm not sure about the towels QVC has them thou.

Feb 23, 2015

Traci L.

Yes Raylene she has big ones for body and small face wipes

Feb 23, 2015

Traci L.

These are the face pads and Sephora does have them Logan.

Feb 23, 2015

Raylene I.

Cool thanks I'll keep my eyeballs open haha.

Feb 23, 2015

Logan C.

Thanks :)