Why does my face itch?!


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Feb 23, 2015

Jasmin B.

Hi ladies. My face has been itching the past few days in the area around my mouth. And it looks like I'm breaking out in that area. I don't normally have big breakout spots on my face, and I've never had it itch like this. Anyone know what it could be?

Feb 23, 2015

Breeze T.

It could be an allergic reaction from food or maybe a new lip product, but I honestly have no idea. I recommend seeing a doctor, there isn't much we can do to help unfortunately :(

Feb 23, 2015

Sheerise M.

Have you eaten anything really acidic lately?? Because when I eat a lot of pineapple and grapefruit the area around my mouth starts to itch really badly and gets these little bumps.

Feb 23, 2015

Shauna S.

It sounds like you're having a slight allergic reaction to something. It could be a new skincare product, makeup product (foundation, concealer, lipstick, etc.) It could be an allergic reaction to food, however with food generally your throat will start to feel "fuzzy" if you're having a reaction. Maybe take a benedryl to stop the itch and apply a cold compress.

Feb 23, 2015

Isabel M.

Have you changed face washes or make-up remover lately? That could cause an allegic reaction.

Feb 23, 2015

Jasmin B.

I did borrow a friends primer and bb cream the other day and maybe that was it, I thought it would be fine seeing as they come out of a tube so there wouldn't be cross-contamination. Maybe that was it? But it didn't itch until I took it off, and it hasn't stopped. Friday was when I borrowed it, if it's an allergic reaction shouldn't it go away when I stop using the product?

Feb 23, 2015

Isabel M.

If you are not sure and worried you can always go to a doctor and see if there is a problem?

Feb 23, 2015

Breeze T.

The bb cream could be the culprit. Has it gotten worse since Friday?

Feb 23, 2015

Jasmin B.

It was mac's bb cream. And the breakouts have gotten worse, but I don't notice any more itching.

Feb 23, 2015

Shauna S.

Well it's not necessarily caused by cross contamination. Have you ever used the primer or bb before? If not then you're just having a reaction to the product. And no your symptoms will usually not vanish after you discontinue use of the product, the reaction could last up to 7 days. If it gets a lottttt worse then I would go to a doctor but you should expect the breakouts and itching to continue for about a week. Like I said before, try not applying makeup on it to make it more irritated. Try a cold compress to take away redness and itching. An antihistamine such as benedryl can help take away the itch. You may also want to try 100% pure cold aloe vera gel on it to sooth it. I've suffered from an insane amount of reactions from products because my skin is so sensitive and for me the reaction will last about 5-7 days if it's a mild reaction, I've had severe reactions (really bad itchy rashes) that last about 7-14 days.

Feb 23, 2015

Jasmin B.

Oh thank goodness! The itching has gone down and it just hurts a bit to touch when I'm washing my face, but I have stopped wearing foundation and concealor. It gave me really large dark spots also so is there a way to help make sure those don't last?

Feb 23, 2015

Jasmin B.

The other side of my face. Also thank you ladies, especially Shauna for your detailed suggestions, I will go to the store later to pick up some cold aloe Vera gel.

Feb 23, 2015

Breeze T.

Shauna is spot on! I'm glad your skin is feeling a bit better now :)

Feb 24, 2015

Shauna S.

No problem I hope it helps! I have such sensitive skin but I'm learning how to deal with it and I like to help other people deal with it too. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better :)

Feb 24, 2015

Jasmin B.

I've never been sensitive to a lot of products. The only other time I had a bad reaction was to a glam glow mask sample from my ipsy bag. It made my lips swell up and itch.

Feb 24, 2015

Melody W.

Ugh I didn't like my glam glow that came in my ipsy bag. Wish I would of got somethin else but whatever 😉