Urgent spot help😭


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Feb 23, 2015

Lauren S.

I've got an awful spot! I know, gross, but I have school tomorrow and can't go like this! Best tips on how to get rid quick and cover up?

Feb 23, 2015

Zoe R.

Just remember many of your class mates will have acne as well.

Feb 23, 2015

Zoe R.

You can use eye drops to reduce redness and white toothpaste to reduce there size or you can also use tea tree oil with some water in it so not to irritate your skin

Feb 23, 2015

Zoe R.

But acne takes more than one day to go away

Feb 23, 2015

Lauren R.

Wipe some listerine (or any other strong mouthwash) over it to kill off some of the bacteria, sleep with a soft towel or clean tshirt over your pillow in case it's bacteria from there causing you to break out. In the morning, use a thick moisturiser, apply concealer in a 'x' shape over the spot (only once you have your foundation applied or else the foundation will move) and pat to blend the concealer with a clean finger. Avoid taking calls with your phone on that side of your face, keep your hair back and drink lots of water!!

Feb 23, 2015

Ashley D.

Please don't use toothpaste or mouthwash on your skin!! If I were you I would just conceal it, you can't get rid of acne overnight. Don't worry it's not that bad, if I only had one little spot on my face I would thank the Lord that my skin looked that great.

Feb 23, 2015

Les N.

I personally don't think it is huge.. many people have bad acne.
but as ashley said don't put toothpaste or mouthwash on your skin.

Feb 23, 2015

Lauren S.

So what do you suggest?

Feb 23, 2015

Lauren S.

Its not so much acne, its more a small spot but massive redness area!

Feb 23, 2015

Les N.

A acne spot treatment.
I use the clean & clear one and it works good.

Feb 23, 2015

Delara g.

Mix some turmeric with water to make a paste and use it as a spot treatment if you don't have a commercial spot treatment handy.

Feb 23, 2015

Les N.

This is what the spot treatment looks like

Feb 24, 2015

Aspen S.

I use biore face strips every once in a while when my acne gets really bad in certain spots, but you have to remember that a pimple can't go away just like that. just wash your face like you regularly would and it'll go away eventually. don't use too many products in attempt to get rid of that one pimple as it could cause you to break out even more. I'm sure people at school won't be bothered by the fact that you have one pimple on your face.

Feb 24, 2015

Emma B.

I know you need this urgently, but for future use, I recommend using Acne Fast Fix by Murad. It really helps cure and prevent just little spots like those. But to cover it up, just use a medium coverage concealer with a primer underneath and you should be good to go!

Feb 24, 2015

Isabel M.

You can use ice to make the redness disappear but the pimple will stay. You are young, you need to learn how to deal with it. It is just one pimple. I don't know how old you are but most people get bad acne when they are about 15 or 16 years old. What you have is obviously not bad, but it could be the start. Or maybe it is just a pimple. I'd recommend to not cover it up because it will only take longer before it is gone. Just don't touch it and wait.

Feb 24, 2015

Sabrina K.

Hi Lauren, I'm glad to see the other girls have given you lots of advice - I just wanna let you know that this thread is in the wrong category - when asking about skin and skincare you of course have to post it in the Skincare category.
When mis placing threads like this your threads are subject for being deleted. I will move this for you today, but just a heads up, continuing to break the rules can make your profile subject for being deleted as well.

Feb 24, 2015

Isabel M.

Btw I just reread my comment and it sounds kinda rude. I truly didn't mean to sound rude ;)