Cancer, Paralysis and Hormonal Acne. Help?


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Jan 12, 2015

Amber L.

Hey, sorry this is to be so long, my problem needs a bit of context lol.

Well when I was 12 (2011) I was diagnosed with a cancerous tumour on my spine which gradually paralysed me, so I'm now in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. Due to my chemo and radiation I'm now fried (lol) and infertile. My doctor said that to avoid osteoporosis and heart issues in a couple years I need to have hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). For the HRT I'm now on birth control, with artificial hormones but this has caused me to get hormonal acne mainly on my chin, and around my mouth and nose. I usually always have 2-3 pimples on my face and a bit of scarring too. When I spoke with my doctor he told me I would just have to get used to it. I will be on HRT for the rest of my life, or at least until I'm 50 and they can cause me to go through menopause. I'm 15 now and I'm sure you guys can understand that the idea of just having this for the rest of my life is a bit concerning for me. Because I'm not taking the birth control as a contraceptive I can't just stop taking it, and the whole point of it is to get the artificial hormones. I already use a AHA/BHA cleanser twice a day, day and night moisturisers correspondingly, 5% benzoyl peroxide spot treatment, rosehip oil for the scarring, and a freemans clay mask twice a week. I live in New Zealand, and since I don't have life insurance due to my illness, it would be difficult and expensive to see a dermatologist, and I already see plenty of doctors and don't want to interrupt my schooling any more.

So basically I'm asking if you know any products or suggestions that might help me to reduce my acne? Thanks so much for the help!

Jan 12, 2015

Kandace S.

I wish I had some suggestions for you but I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. My little brother has cancer and also has so much to deal with as a result. Thank you for sharing a little about you and I hope you find a product that helps! I hope you're doing well and God bless.

Jan 12, 2015

Amber L.

Thank you so much for your kind words Kandace! I hope your brother is doing well too, just keep fighting. It is a fight that never seems to end.

Jan 12, 2015

Kasha D.

Stay strong my sweet girl! You are beautiful and deserve all the best!

as for product suggestion, have you tried proactive? Or Oxy! I use Oxy and my acne disappears over night!
Good luck and may God bless you!

Jan 12, 2015

Lauren G.

Have you heard of African black soap? I picked some up at target a few days ago on sale for $1! I've had a few breakouts lately which is unusual for me and it's helping! It makes my skin tight and squeaky when I use it so I recommend moisturizing after but it's worth a shot.
Also, just wanted to say you are so strong and seem to be full of determination which will get you so far in life and I wish you the best of luck with everything xoxo

Jan 12, 2015

Kaleigh D.

I cannot stand oxy! It is VERY drying and VERY harsh on my face, it might just be my skin but one of the main ingredients is alcohol.
I recommend trying a gentle cleanser to swap out once a day. The AHA/BHA twice daily may be a little bit irritating. If your face gets red easily I suggest trying to find Eucerin. I'm not 100% but the oil could be causing a bit or even the moisturizers. My skin is easily broken out by products, even on birth control. I just recommend gentle products, they can be soothing while also clearing your face!
Good luck with everything! Hope all goes well(:

Jan 12, 2015

Amber L.

Thank you so much everyone for your help and kind words, it all helps in some way. I will try the Cetaphil gentle cleanser as I have heard good reviews about it. I had also heard a lot about the Paula's Choice AHA and BHA liquid exfoliators, though it would be a bit difficult to get here in New Zealand. Thanks so much everyone!

Jan 13, 2015

Amy H.

Lots stuff mention you probably can't get in NZ (I live there to) I would try products from
The body shop (personally I love the vitamin e range) or I would try the cetaphil products, my boyfriend uses it and loves it, he had acne all over his face and it helped to clear his skin up really good