Peter Thomas Roth products.


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Jan 11, 2015

Sarah L.

So sorry for the close up on my face😁😁 I'm planning on buying a PTR product to help with my
skin but the thing is I don't know if I should get the AHA/BHA skin clearing product or get the mini mask magic kit which includes 0.5 Oz of
1) cucumber gel mask
2) rose stemcell bio repair gel mask
3) pumpkin enzyme mask

I use apple cider vinegar which has mostly been taking care of my acne (doesn't prevent occasional pimples though)
In the pic below all those red dots (except for like 2-3 on the outer of the cheek that are pimples) are acne scars that idkk how to fade😭 So yeah I just want to know which product I should buy that will help me out💁

Jan 11, 2015

Ariana G.

Mm the AHA/BHA product would rlly help your skin out, definetly get that :) I'm glad to hear that apple cider vinegar has helped your skin, it can be harsh on.some people so keep in mind tha it needs to be diluted.
I wouldnt be too worried about acne scarrring bcuz it will go away on its own.if you continue taking care of your skin. Make sure you exfoliate about 3 times per week and this will get rid of the old scarred skin replace it with renewed, clear skin. ALWAYS wear sunscreen on your face of at least SPF 25. Wearing sunscreen will prevent dark spots from.becoming darker from the sunlight. Good luck! :)

Jan 11, 2015

Sarah L.

Thanks! And yeah I diluter my ACV 50/50 so its not too harsh. I exfoliate too so thats good to know! Il keep in mind to buy a moisturizer that has SPF in it :))

Jan 11, 2015

Ariana G.

Okay awesome :)

Jan 11, 2015

Winnie B.

Ariana is so on point!