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Jan 11, 2015

Ally R.

Okay so I have some pretty bad acne scarring and I just picked up this stuff it's called "clean &clear advantage mark treatment" the ingredients in it its salicylic acid and acne medication. I used it over night and it did get rid of some of my marks really quick so I want to continue using this. I wear makeup everyday, and my question is can I use this under my makeup? It says I can use this 1-3 times a day. So I really wanted to put it on this morning but I need to know if I can wear it under foundation. Thanks in advance!

Jan 11, 2015

Faith F.

I have this too. I have never tried it under foundation, but I feel like it won't really work under anyway, cause you will kinda be blending it away when putting on your foundation.

Jan 11, 2015

Ariana G.

I agree with what Faith said. Keep using it nightly and if you arw going to use it in the daytime before you put on uour makeup but keep in might not be as effective.