Hormonal acne?? and my eye-_-


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Jan 16, 2015

Alexis C.

Hormonal acne can only be treated with hormones since it's not the skin that's the problem.

I would see a doctor about your eye just to make sure there isn't an infection or anything serious.

Jan 16, 2015

Allison W.

About your eye, you might be developing a stye.

Jan 16, 2015

Lalala A.

A stye can be recurring, especially if you didn't throw out/sterilize any makeup products that may have touched your eye, but just make sure it really is a stye. Just to be sure we a doctor about your eye, but if it is a stye, do not touch it, and wash it several times a day with warm water, and gently pat it dry. Good luck with your acne and I hope your eye feels better.

Jan 16, 2015

Saybrah W.

I've been using the dermadoctor ain't misbehaving cleanser. It's helped with my acne which can be hormonal. Maybe you can get a sample and see if it helps?

Jan 16, 2015

Shelley W.

The only thing that helps my hormonal acne is taking flaxseed pills and I've actually been taking less of them since I upped my intake of Omega's via my diet (salmon has become my best friend)...salmon and milled flaxseed and flaxseed oil mixed in my green smoothies. I refuse to take any hormones in the pill form to correct the situation. So far so good. No major breakouts in the usual spots where hormonal acne usually crops up.

Jan 16, 2015

Shanae J.

My sister used to have acne on her face, she started taking flaxseed for her high blood pressure that was recommended by her doctor and after a few weeks her face was acne free. Her blood pressure became normal as well. Kind of an extra benefit for her, she's had 2 kids.