Potential for massive scaring.


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Jan 9, 2015

Raylene I.

I'm going in for invasive femure surgery , requiring rods, screws and pinning. And I'm really worried about the scarring after. So I was wondering since itll be a few months yet, if there is anything I can do now to kind of prep my skin for the incision and what I can do acter to help minimize scarring.

I really don't think there's anything you can do prep wise to minimize the scarring, it's going to scar regardless of what you do. Afterwards you can try Bio Oil and such but personally I've never tried it so I don't know how well it'll work, especially on a surgery scar.

Jan 9, 2015

Jackie S.

Everyone heals/scars differently. When I got my foot surgery, I was worried I would take after my mom who scares and build up scar tissue horribly! Luckily, all went well. I found that buying 100% vitamin E oil and rubbing it on the scar, once all was healed, really helped diminish my scar. Also, if they tell you to do certain exercises/stretches, make sure to do them!

Jan 9, 2015

Diana T.

I'm sure your doctor can actually give you something prescription grade for the scarring - other alternatives are neosporin and mederma.

Jan 9, 2015

Sadiya R.

I imagine you are already doing this but you should eat healthy food and drink purw water, if your cells are healthy and strong they will go through the process much faster and will do their work effectively :D.

Jan 9, 2015

Lisbeth L.

I don't think there's anything that can prevent scarring but you can definitely treat the scars after your surgery when the cuts have healed but itll take time.
my last surgery was back in August and my scars have only faded slightly.

Jan 9, 2015

Kat H.

Yep, your doc might be able to prescribe something for you - although as mentioned previously, there are over-the-counter scar creams you can use like Mederma. Also, I've heard that Bio Oil has helped some people, but for me I've never noticed a difference. Cocoa butter is something pregnant women rub on their bellies to minimize stretch marks, but not sure how it works with scarring...and wishing you a very speedy recovery!!

Jan 9, 2015

Raylene I.

Thanks girls. Emma how does your boyfriends scar look? My doctor has to go in and break me femur in two and set it wil a rod so I'm jist worrjed about how long this scar will be :(

Jan 9, 2015

Raylene I.

Thanks kat I'll be on cruches for three months :( when I see mt doctor for my next mri I'll ralk yo him aboit scarring

Jan 10, 2015

Samantha R.

I was told by my dermatologist that Mederma is a waste of money. It does not make your scars heal faster or better. They said to make sure to keep the skin clean and moisturize. They told me scars take years to heal fully heal and heal differently on different people. I hope your surgery goes well. :)

Jan 10, 2015

Raylene I.

Thanks samantha for the heads up about mederma, and thanks for the hopeful wishes. I'm terrified right now. Not of the surgery itself, but healing time and the pain after :( I'm such a baby!