Help skin problems, how can I get rid of this sp fast as possible.


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Feb 20, 2015

Lisa J.

Help my skin

Feb 20, 2015

Lisa J.

Thankyou Hailey P.

Feb 20, 2015

Yaya B.

what happened there?

Feb 20, 2015

Lisa J.

Uhh I had pimples and I scraced I don't know how to say in english I hope you understand Yaya B.

Feb 20, 2015

Mabelle B.

I really think that visiting a dermatologist will help. If your pimples are getting out of hand then the dermatologist is the only way out! It would really help :)

Feb 20, 2015

Yaya B.

I agree ^^

Feb 20, 2015

Traci L.

It looks like you scratched them , you can clean the area use some witch hazel toner then a little neosporin on the open areas , but as for a skin care routine if you can't see a derm find a cleanser with salicylic acid a tee tree or benzoyl peroxide spot treatment and a gentle moisturizer

Feb 21, 2015

Keeli W.

I use the persa gel 10 as a spot treatment and it works wonders! Check out my YouTube and subscribe! KeelisPreppy.

Feb 21, 2015

Shelley W.

@Keeli...just to give you a heads up that self promotion of any personal websites or YT channels belongs in the Intro's and Promotion section under Talk.

Feb 21, 2015

Rebecca S.

Traci, you have the right idea regarding using neosporin, but after a significant facial laceration landed me in the ER, I learned NEVER to use neosporin on your face. The nurse didn't say why, only that for cuts on the face, bacitracin is the only product that should be used. Good luck Lisa! Definitely try to keep the area free from infection until you can see a doctor.

Feb 22, 2015

Traci L.

For a severe laceration I wouldn't recommend any but the doctor , those are tiny scratches and neosporin is a topical antibiotic witch will reduce infection and scaring, bacitracin is fine but it doesn't speed up healing that's why you can use on on tattoos neosporin speeds healing up and with erase the ink and it's made for cuts and scratches so I don't think it would be a issue it's not for long term use however you put it on a few times and that's it Rebecca.