Dark / Deep Skin and Tanning?


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Feb 11, 2015

Chelsea N.

Hey all! SO I've been doing my research and I kind of really want to get a tan. Now I'm not looking to go darker in complexion, but rather to even out my skin tone / give myself a bronze-glowy look.

So far I've narrowed it down to spray / airbrush tanning or doing a self-tanner (I'm open to using a tanning bed but I feel that's best for going darker and I am not looking to do that), but I was hoping other people of similar complexions could chime in on what worked best, how it turned out, and the general process!

I have an event Sunday evening (2/15/15) that I want this look for, so I'm trying to figure it between today and tomorrow (I'll book a spray tan / real tan appointment tomorrow if need be) what route would be best.

Please please please any opinions / advice you can offer would be great! Also even if you don't have a deeper / dark complexion, I'd still love to hear your opinion.

Fyi for my skin color reference, that is me in my avi. Thanks :)

Feb 11, 2015

Tiffany B.

A spray tan unfortunately won't even out your skin tone. It's going to make the areas that are dark darker and the areas of light a little darker. It's still going to be two different colors. I worked at a tanning salon for a couple years so I'm advice isn't just coming out my rear.

Tanning in a bed will actually even out your tones however it is going to take much longer than sunday to get results that you want.

As for when you should spray I would go friday. It gives you a couple days to decide if you like the color you got and if you didn't to scrub it off before your event.

If you are going to a salon to spray a versa-spa is going to give you lighter color payoff than a mystic. Mystic tends to be one shade darker than the versa. Personally I preferred versa's and used them about once a week.

Good luck, I hope this helped.

Feb 11, 2015

Lara C.

My bff did the same and shes maybe even a bit darker than you. She made an appointment at a tanning salon for a spray tan but she made sure they had experience with darker skin tones. She looked really nice and glowy after.

Feb 11, 2015

Tiffany B.

Also with sprays you could purchase a can of spray tan that will compliment the booth spray that you got to add more coverage to those spots where you are lighter. This way you are able to load on the color where you are uneven.

Feb 11, 2015

Shauna S.

I would probably suggest a tanning bed but it takes a long time to show results, you do not see results right away. I would try a spray tan since you need it right away.

Feb 11, 2015

Chelsea N.

Thank you ladies!! Tiffany, I was planning on going tomorrow since I work today and Friday :/ Is that too soon?

So overall nay to self-tanners? What are the cons with them?
The salon I want to go to has had experience with darker skin (my stylist who is a bit darker than me got a spray tan there and looked great).

I guess my concern is that if I'm not able to get in tomorrow is there any self tanner I could pick up that would give me similar results? I also like the idea of the bronzing tanners.

So far thanks guys :)

P.S. what's the regular going rate for spray tans?

Feb 11, 2015

Tiffany B.

You will begin to lose some of your color by sunday going today if you use any body washes/lotions that contain sulfate. You will want to find sulfate free lotions and washes to help extend your tan. This is where they get you at tanning salons. Their products are specifically designed for a tanners body. I didn't believe it at first but it really is.

They can be great just do your research before you go. Tell them your concerns as well. Obviously they are going to try to sell you on something either way but let them know exactly what you are expecting to get.

Personally if you choose to buy a self tanner at the salon I love designer skin or caltan products. They both have 360 heads so that you are able to get every angle. caltan has one with a self adjusting formula to match your natural skin tones.

I've seen rates from $20-45. However I do know where I used to work, Palm Beach Tan, is doing their V-day sale so everything has been discounted including their lotions etc. I'm sure other salons are doing a similar v-day special.

Feb 11, 2015

Shelley W.

I used to get spray tans when I was into figure competitions (body building). Tiffany's advice is spot on. The tanner that would work on me had to play Picasso and use more than one color to even me out so I wouldn't look two-toned. I see you're from Chicago...Glamour Girl Airbrush Tanning 1 East Delaware Suite 215 60611 312-787-8677. The staff is certified so its not some fly by night spot. A couple of my girlfriends who live in the city have been there and love the place. I don't know if they have experience working on deeper skintones but its worth asking.

Feb 12, 2015

Chelsea N.

Ah thanks again!

So I tried getting in an appointment today but no such luck. I might see if there's anything early morning tomorrow / this evening.

What self-tanner brands do you recommend? Having a hard time finding brands that darker toned women advocate for.

Actually never mind you mentioned a few! Are there any drugstore brands you would recommend?

Feb 13, 2015

Tiffany B.

Honestly I've never tried any drugstore brands. Most of them are lotions which I don't care for.

Feb 13, 2015

Chelsea N.


I ended up getting a spray tan @ a near by la tan ( for free! also got 4 tans for $4) and I did Level 2 VersaPro. My hands are little orange ( maybe not enough barrier cream) and my armpits didn't really tan. Not sure if I positioned myself correctly. I bought the target brand of the jergens gradual tanner so I'll just use that on my pits?

Just wondering if I should go Level 3 next time or go Level 1? I haven't showered yet ( I did it at 7:20 last night) but I will around noon today.

Is it okay to get a regular tan after a spray tan or no?